Telephone Signaling Transceiver
CMX860 Advance Information
The values of R24 and C22 given in Figure 4 (470kΩ and 0.33µF) give a minimum RT charge time of 100ms,
which is adequate for ring frequencies of 10Hz or above.
Note, that the circuit will also respond to a telephone line voltage reversal. If necessary, the µC can
distinguish between a Ring signal and a line voltage reversal by measuring the time that bit 14 of the Status
Register (Ring Detect) is high.
If the Ring detect function is not used then pin RD should be connected to DVSS and RT to DVDD.
3.2 Hook Detector Interface
This is identical internally to the Ring Detector interface circuit and similar components could be used
externally, with appropriate values, if hook detection is to be performed by detecting a voltage change across
the tip and ring lines to the local phone.
3.3 Line Interface
Figure 5: 2-Wire Line Interface Circuit: Application Circuits are TBD
3.4 Phone Interface
Figure 6: 2-Wire Phone Interface Circuit: Application Circuits are TBD
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Doc. # 20480222.001
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