In noise sensitive applications switching regulators tend
to be ruled out as a power supply option due to their pro-
pensity for generating unwanted noise. When switching
supplies are required due to efficiency or input/output
constraints, great pains must be taken to work around
the noise generated by a typical supply. These steps may
include pre and post regulator filtering, precise synchroni-
zation of the power supply oscillator to an external clock,
synchronizing the rest of the circuit to the power supply
oscillator or halting power supply switching during noise
sensitive operations. The LT1683 greatly simplifies the task
of eliminating supply noise by enabling the design of an
inherently low noise switching regulator power supply.
The LT1683 is a fixed frequency, current mode switching
regulator with unique circuitry to control the voltage and
current slew rates of the output switches. Current mode
control provides excellent AC and DC line regulation and
simplifies loop compensation.
Slew control capability provides much greater control over
the power supply components that can create conducted
and radiated electromagnetic interference. Compliance
with EMI standards will be an easier task and will require
fewer external filtering components.
The LT1683 uses two external N-channel MOSFETs as the
power switches. This allows the user to tailor the drive
conditions to a wide range of voltages and currents.
Referring to the Block Diagram. A switching cycle begins
with an oscillator discharge pulse, which resets the RS
flip-flop, turning on one of the external MOSFET drivers.
The switch current is sensed across the external sense
resistor and the resulting voltage is amplified and com-
pared to the output of the error amplifier (VC pin). The
driver is turned off once the output of the current sense
amplifier exceeds the voltage on the VC pin. In this way
pulse by pulse current limit is achieved. The toggle flip-flop
ensures that the two MOSFETs are enabled on alternate
clock cycles. Internal slope compensation is provided to
ensure stability under high duty cycle conditions.
Output regulation is obtained using the error amp to
set the switch current trip point. The error amp is a
transconductance amplifier that integrates the difference
between the feedback output voltage and an internal 1.25V
reference. The output of the error amp adjusts the switch
current trip point to provide the required load current
at the desired regulated output voltage. This method of
controlling current rather than voltage provides faster
input transient response, cycle-by-cycle current limiting
for better output switch protection and greater ease in
compensating the feedback loop. The VC pin is used for
loop compensation and current limit adjustment. During
normal operation the VC voltage will be between 0.25V
and 1.27V. An external clamp on VC or SS may be used
for lowering the current limit.
The negative voltage feedback amplifier allows for direct
regulation of negative output voltages. The voltage on the
NFB pin gets amplified by a gain of – 0.5 and driven on to
the FB input, i.e., the NFB pin regulates to –2.5V while the
amplifier output internally drives the FB pin to 1.25V as in
normal operation. The negative feedback amplifier input
impedance is 100k (typ) referred to ground.
Control of the switch current during start-up can be
obtained by using the SS pin. An external capacitor from
SS to ground is charged by an internal 9µA current source.
The voltage on VC cannot exceed the voltage on SS. Thus
as the SS pin ramps up the VC voltage will be allowed to
ramp up. This will then provide for a smooth increase in
switch maximum current. SS will be discharged as a result
of the CS voltage exceeding the short-circuit threshold of
approximately 0.22V.
Slew Control
Control of output voltage and current slew rates is achieved
via two feedback loops. One loop controls the MOSFET drain
dV/dt and the other loop controls the MOSFET dI/dt.
The voltage slew rate uses an external capacitor between
CAP A or CAP B and the respective MOSFET drain. These
integrating caps close the voltage feedback loop. The
external resistor, RVSL, sets the current for the integrator.