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MAX9526ATJ/VT(2010) Ver la hoja de datos (PDF) - Maxim Integrated

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Maxim Integrated 
MAX9526ATJ/VT Datasheet PDF : 38 Pages
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Low-Power, High-Performance
NTSC/PAL Video Decoder
Table 3. Recommended Crystal Parameters
Fundamental mode only
Maximum Crystal ESR
Room temperature
Line-locked mode
Async mode with multiple decoders
Applications Information
Multiple Decoder Operation
Multiple asynchronous video input signals can be
decoded synchronously using multiple MAX9526s in
asynchronous (async) sampling mode. Figure 7 shows
an example of decoding four video input signals.
The MAX9526 is configured for async sampling mode
by writing the following registers:
Register 0x0D, B3 (XTAL_DIS) = 1 (disables the
crystal oscillator)
Register 0x0E, B5-4 (LLC_MODE) = 11 (forces
sampling to async mode)
When the MAX9526 is in async sampling mode, the
data outputs, D9–D0, of all decoders are synchronous
with the input clock (XTAL/OSC). The video content in
the data outputs is not frame aligned because the video
sources into each MAX9526 is asynchronous. A small
FPGA can be implemented to multiplex all four chan-
nels into a single 8- or 10-bit bus. This FPGA can also
format the outputs to be compatible for input into a
compression processor, which is commonly used in
digital video recorders (DVRs).
The crystal oscillator (external or internal) must have
better than ±50ppm accuracy for acceptable decoding
in this mode. An accuracy of ±10ppm is recommended
for optimal performance.
Recommended Crystal Parameters
Recommended crystal parameters are shown in Table 3.
Power-Supply Decoupling
For systems where additional power-supply isolation is
required, the circuit shown in Figure 8 can be used.
Additional supply decoupling is added and analog
power (AVDD) isolation is increased with the use of a fer-
rite bead (FB). The analog ground connection (AGND)
should be connected to a separate ground plane that
has a small bridge to the main ground plane of the sys-
tem. The video input termination (VIN1/VIN2), video refer-
ence (VREF) decoupling, and AVDD supply decoupling
should also be connected to the AGND ground plane.
SMBus is a trademark of Intel Corp.
I2C Serial Interface
The MAX9526 features an I2C/SMBus™-compatible,
2-wire serial interface consisting of a serial-data line
(SDA) and a serial-clock line (SCL). SDA and SCL facili-
tate communication between the MAX9526 and the
master at clock rates up to 400kHz. Figure 9 shows the
2-wire interface timing diagram. The master generates
SCL and initiates data transfer on the bus. The master
device writes data to the MAX9526 by transmitting the
proper slave address followed by the register address
and then the data word. Each transmit sequence is
framed by a START (S) or REPEATED START (Sr) con-
dition and a STOP (P) condition. Each word transmitted
to the MAX9526 is 8 bits long and is followed by an
acknowledge clock pulse. A master reading data from
the MAX9526 transmits the proper slave address fol-
lowed by a series of nine SCL pulses. The MAX9526
transmits data on SDA in sync with the master-generat-
ed SCL pulses. The master acknowledges receipt of
each byte of data. Each read sequence is framed by a
START or REPEATED START condition, a not acknowl-
edge, and a STOP condition. SDA operates as both an
input and an open-drain output. A pullup resistor, typi-
cally greater than 500Ω, is required on SDA. SCL oper-
ates only as an input. A pullup resistor, typically greater
than 500Ω, is required on SCL if there are multiple mas-
ters on the bus, or if the single master has an open-
drain SCL output. Series resistors in line with SDA and
SCL are optional. Series resistors protect the digital
inputs of the MAX9526 from high-voltage spikes on the
bus lines, as well as minimize crosstalk and undershoot
of the bus signals.
Bit Transfer
One data bit is transferred during each SCL cycle. The
data on SDA must remain stable during the high period
of the SCL pulse. Changes in SDA while SCL is high
are control signals (see the START and STOP
Conditions section).
START and STOP Conditions
SDA and SCL idle high when the bus is not in use. A
master initiates communication by issuing a START con-
dition. A START condition is a high-to-low transition on
SDA with SCL high. A STOP condition is a low-to-high
18 ______________________________________________________________________________________

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