9.12 Game Port Interface
The Game Port integrates four timers for two joysticks. The IT8712F allows the Game Port base address to
be located anywhere within the host I/O address space from 100h to 0FFFh. Currently, most game software
assume that the Game (or Joystick) I/O port is located at 201h.
A write to the Game port base address will trigger four timers. A read from the same address returns four bits
that correspond to the outputs from the four timers and four status bits corresponding to the joystick buttons. A
button value of 0 indicates that the button is pressed. When the Game port base address is written, the X/Y
timer bits go high. Once the Game port base address is written, each timer output remains high for a period of
time specified by the current joystick position.
9.12.1 Game Port (Base+0h)
Bit Symbol
JSBB2 Joystick B, Button 2 ( pin 20 of Joystick connector)
JSBB1 Joystick B, Button 1 ( pin 21 of Joystick connector)
JSAB2 Joystick A, Button 2 ( pin 24 of Joystick connector)
JSAB1 Joystick A, Button 1 ( pin 25 of Joystick connector)
JSBCY Joystick B, Coordinate Y ( pin 22 of Joystick connector)
JSBCX Joystick B, Coordinate X ( pin 23 of Joystick connector)
JSACY Joystick A, Coordinate Y ( pin 26 of Joystick connector)
JSACX Joystick A, Coordinate X ( pin 27 of Joystick connector)
9.13 MIDI Interface
The IT8712F supports the MIDI capability by incorporating hardware to emulate the MPU-401 in the UART
mode. It is software compatible with MPU-401 interface, but only supports the UART mode (non-intelligent
mode). The UART is used to convert parallel data to the serial data required by MIDI. The serial data format is
RS-232 like: 1 start bit, 8 data bits, and 1 stop bit. The serial data rate is fixed at 31.25K baud.
9.13.1 MPU-401 Register Interface
The MPU-401 logical device occupies two consecutive I/O spaces. The device also uses an interrupt. Both the
base address and the interrupt level are programmable. MIDI Base+0 is the MIDI Data port, and MIDI Base+ 1
is the Command/Status port.
MIDI Data Port: The MIDI Data Port is used to transmit and receive MIDI data. When in UART mode, all
transmit data are transferred through a 16-byte FIFO and receive data through
another 16-byte FIFO.
MIDI Data Port, MIDI base+0, Read/Write
Bit Symbol
D7-D0 MIDI data 7-0
Command/Status Port: The Command register is used to send instructions to the MPU-401. The Status
register is used to receive status information from the MPU-401. These two registers occupy the same I/O
IT8712F V0.81