Horizontal sync (HSYNC*) and vertical sync (VSYNC*) are generated from internal timing and optional software
bits. HSYNC*, and VSYNC* are output following the rising edge of CLK. The horizontal counter is
incremented on every other rising edge of CLK. After reaching the appropriate value (determined by the mode
of operation), it is reset to one, indicating the start of a new line. The vertical counter is incremented at the start
of each new line. After reaching the appropriate value, determined by the mode of operation, it is reset to one,
indicating the start of a new field. VSYNC* is asserted for 3 or 2.5 scan lines for the 262/525 line and the
312/625 line, respectively.
Horizontal sync (HSYNC*) and vertical sync (VSYNC*) are inputs that are registered on the rising edge of the
CLOCK. The horizontal counter is incremented on the rising edge of the CLOCK. Two clock cycles after
falling edge of HSYNC*, the counter is reset to one, indicating the start of a new line. The vertical counter is
incremented on the falling edge of HSYNC*. A falling edge of VSYNC* resets it to one, indicating the start of a
new field. A falling edge of VSYNC* occurring within ±1/4 of a scan line from the falling edge of HSYNC* cycle
time (line time) indicates the beginning of Field 1. A falling edge of VSYNC* occurring within ±1/4 scan line
from the mid-point of the line indicates the beginning of Field 2.
The operating mode (NTSC/PAL) can be programmed with the MODEA and MODEB bits when the SETMODE
(MASTER pin) bit is set high. Alternatively, when the SETMODE bit is set low, the mode is automatically
changed to the slave mode. For example, 525-line operation is assumed, 625-line operation is detected by
the number of HSYNC* edges between VSYNC* edges. The frequency of operation (CCIR-601) for both PAL
and NTSC is detected by counting the number of clocks per line. The pixel rate is assumed to be 13.5 MHz, ±1
count and is between two successive falling edges of HSYNC*.
For NTSC, color burst information is automatically disabled on scan lines 1-9 and 264-272, inclusive(SMPTE line
numbering convention). For PAL-B, D, G, H, I, Nc color burst information is automatically disabled on scan
lines 1-6, 310-318, and 623-625, inclusive, for fields 1, 2, 5, and 6. During fields 3, 4, 7, and 8, color burst
information is disabled on scan lines 1-5, 311-319, and 622-625, inclusive.