CY7C68013A, CY7C68014A
CY7C68015A, CY7C68016A
EZ-USB FX2LP™ USB Microcontroller
High Speed USB Peripheral Controller
1. Features (CY7C68013A/14A/15A/16A)
■ USB 2.0 USB IF High Speed Certified (TID # 40460272)
■ Single Chip Integrated USB 2.0 Transceiver, Smart SIE, and
Enhanced 8051 Microprocessor
■ Fit, Form, and Function Compatible with the FX2
❐ Pin compatible
❐ Object code compatible
❐ Functionally compatible (FX2LP is a superset)
■ Ultra Low Power: ICC No More than 85 mA in any Mode
❐ Ideal for bus and battery powered applications
■ Software: 8051 Code Runs from:
❐ Internal RAM, which is downloaded through USB
❐ Internal RAM, which is loaded from EEPROM
❐ External memory device (128 pin package)
■ 16 KBytes of On-Chip Code/Data RAM
■ Four Programmable BULK, INTERRUPT, and
❐ Buffering options: double, triple, and quad
■ Additional Programmable (BULK/INTERRUPT) 64 Byte
■ 8-Bit or 16-Bit External Data Interface
■ Smart Media Standard ECC Generation
■ GPIF (General Programmable Interface)
❐ Enables direct connection to most parallel interfaces
❐ Programmable waveform descriptors and configuration
registers to define waveforms
❐ Supports multiple Ready (RDY) inputs and Control (CTL)
■ Integrated, Industry Standard Enhanced 8051
❐ 48 MHz, 24 MHz, or 12 MHz CPU operation
❐ Four clocks per instruction cycle
❐ Two USARTs
❐ Three counter/timers
❐ Expanded interrupt system
❐ Two data pointers
■ 3.3V Operation with 5V Tolerant Inputs
■ Vectored USB Interrupts and GPIF/FIFO Interrupts
■ Separate Data Buffers for the Setup and Data Portions of a
CONTROL Transfer
■ Integrated I2C Controller, Runs at 100 or 400 kHz
■ Four Integrated FIFOs
❐ Integrated glue logic and FIFOs lower system cost
❐ Automatic conversion to and from 16-bit buses
❐ Master or slave operation
❐ Uses external clock or asynchronous strobes
❐ Easy interface to ASIC and DSP ICs
■ Available in Commercial and Industrial Temperature Grade
(all packages except VFBGA)
Cypress Semiconductor Corporation • 198 Champion Court
Document #: 38-08032 Rev. *N
• San Jose, CA 95134-1709 • 408-943-2600
Revised July 01, 2009
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