EN29F002 / EN29F002N
performed by writing 30H to the Command Register. The Auto Chip Erase algorithm automatically
programs and verifies the entire memory array for an all “0” pattern prior to the erase. The Chip
Erase Command is performed by again writing 10H to the command register. The EN29F002 will
automatically time the erase pulse width, verify the erase, return the sequence count, provide a erase
status through DATA POLLING (when data on DQ7 is “1”), and returns to the READ mode after
completion of Chip Erase.
Block Erase Command
Block Erase requires six bus cycles: two unlock write cycles, a setup command, two additional
unlock write cycles, and the Block Erase command. Any block may be erased by latching any
address within the desired block on the falling edge of W E while the Erase Command (30H) is
latched on the rising edge of W E . Block Erase will commence after an 80µs time-out window.
Any command other than Block Erase or Erase Suspend during this time-out period will reset the
device to the read mode, without completing the Block Erase command sequence.
The EN29F002 device automatically programs and verifies all memory locations in the selected block
for an all “0” pattern prior to the erase. Unselected blocks are unaffected by the Block Erase
command. The EN29F002 requires no timing signals during block erase. Erase is completed when
data on DQ7 becomes “1”, and the device returns to the READ mode after completion of Block
Erase Suspend / Resume Command
Erase suspend allows interruption of block erase operations to perform data reads from block not
being erased. Erase suspend applies only to Block Erase operations including the time-out period.
Writing an Erase Suspend command during Block Erase Timeout results in an immediate
termination of the time-out period and suspension of erase operation.
EN29F002 ignores any commands during erase suspend other than the RESET (n/a for
EN29F002N) or Erase Resume commands. Writing erase resume continues erase operations.
Addresses are DON’T CARE when writing Erase Suspend or Erase Resume commands.
EN29F002 takes 0.1 - 15 µs to suspend erase operations after receiving Erase Suspend command.
Check completion of erase suspend by polling DQ7 and/or DQ6. EN29F002 ignores redundant
writes of erase suspend.
EN29F0002 defaults to erase-suspend-read mode while an erase operation has been suspended.
While in erase-suspend-read mode, EN29F002 allows reading data in any block not undergoing
block erase, which is treated as standard read mode.
Write the Resume command 30h to continue operation of Block erase. En29F002 ignores redundant
writes of the Resume command. En29F002 permits multiple suspend/resume operations during
block erase.
Block Protect
The hardware block or sector protection feature disables both program and erase operations in any
sector. The hardware sector unprotection feature re-enables both program and erase operation in
previously protected sectors.
Block protection/unprotection must be implemented using programming equipment. The procedure
requires a high voltage (VID) on address pin A9 and the control pins. See Data Protection or contact
Eon Silicon Devices, Inc. for an additional supplement on this feature.
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