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2N2857C1 Ver la hoja de datos (PDF) - Semelab - > TT Electronics plc

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2N2857C1 Datasheet PDF : 4 Pages
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Space Level (JQRS/ESA) and High Reliability options are
available in accordance with the High Reliability and
Screening Options Handbook available for download from
the from the TT electronics Semelab web site.
ESA Quality Level Products are based on the testing
procedures specified in the generic ESCC 5000 and in the
corresponding part detail specifications.
Semelabs QR216 and QR217 processing specifications
(JQRS), in conjunction with the companies ISO 9001:2000
approval present a viable alternative to the American MIL-
PRF-19500 space level processing.
QR217 (Space Level Quality Conformance) is based on the
quality conformance inspection requirements of MIL-PRF-
19500 groups A (table V), B (table VIa), C (table VII) and
also ESA / ESCC 5000 (chart F4) lot validation tests.
QR216 (Space Level Screening) is based on the screening
requirements of MIL-PRF-19500 (table IV) and also ESA
/ESCC 5000 (chart F3).
JQRS parts are processed to the device data sheet and
screened to QR216 with conformance testing to Q217
groups A and B in accordance with MIL-STD-750 methods
and procedures.
Additional conformance options are available, for example
Pre-Cap Visual Inspection, Buy-Off Visit or Data Packs.
These are chargeable and must be specified at the order
stage (See Ordering Information). Minimum order
quantities may apply.
Alternative or additional customer specific conformance or
screening requirements would be considered. Contact
Semelab sales with enquires.
Parts are typically marked with specification number, serial
number (or week of seal) as shown in the example below.
Customer specific marking requirements can be arranged at
time of order but is approximately limited to two lines of
7 Characters. This is to ensure text remains readable..
Example Marking:
Part number is built from part and screening level. The part
number can be extended to include the additional options
as shown below.
Type – See Main Part Number
Package Variant – See Mechanical Data
Screening Level – See Screening Options (ESA / JQRS)
Additional Options:
Customer Pre-Cap Visual Inspection
Customer Buy-Off visit
Data Pack
Solderability Samples
Scanning Electron Microscopy
Radiography (X-ray)
Total Dose Radiation Test
MIL-PRF-19500 (QR217)
Group B charge
Group B destructive mechanical samples
Group C charge
Group C destructive electrical samples
Group C destructive mechanical samples
.GBDM (12 pieces)
.GCDE (12 pieces)
.GCDM (6 pieces)
Lot Validation Testing (subgroup 1) charge
LVT1 destructive samples (environmental)
LVT1 destructive samples (mechanical)
Lot Validation Testing (subgroup 2) charge
LVT2 endurance samples (electrical)
Lot Validation Testing (subgroup 3) charge
LVT3 destructive samples (mechanical)
.L1DE (15 pieces)
.L1DM (15 pieces)
.L2D (15 pieces)
.L3D (5 pieces)
Additional Option Notes:
1) All ‘Additional Options’ are chargeable and must be specified at order stage.
2) When Group B,C or LVT is required, additional electrical and mechanical destructive
samples must be ordered
3) All destructive samples are marked the same as other production parts unless
otherwise requested.
Example ordering information:
The following example is for the variant B package with,
JQRS screening, additional Group C conformance testing
and a Data pack.
Part Numbers:
2N2857C1B-JQRS (Include quantity for flight parts)
2N2857C1B-JQRS.GRPC (chargeable conformance option)
2N2857C1B-JQRS.GCDE (charge for destructive parts)
2N2857C1B-JQRS.GCDM (charge for destructive parts)
2N2857C1B-JQRS.DA (charge for Data pack)
Customers with any specific requirements (e.g. marking,
package or screening) may be supplied with a similar
alternative part number (there is maximum 20 character
limit to part numbers). Requirements for deep dielectric
discharge variant (C1B) must be specified at time of order.
Contact Semelab sales with all enquiries
High Reliability and Screening Options Handbook link:
Semelab Limited
Coventry Road, Lutterworth, Leicestershire, LE17 4JB
Telephone +44 (0) 1455 556565 Fax +44 (0) 1455 552612 Email:
Document Number 7726
Issue 2
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