Preliminary Technical Data
programme up to four transitions within the time set in the
PWMPERIOD Register (See Figure 4 for typical timing
diagrams, with outputs FC and FD as an example).
The number of PWMPERIOD periods is again set in the
AFSTEPS and ZSTEPS Registers. When the outputs are
disabled they can be set configured in a High Impedance, or
High or Low state.
Figure 4. Timing Diagram for PWM Drivers.
Temperature Compensation of Drive Patterns
Because of the high temperature coefficients associated with
piezo elements fine tuning of the drive pattern and drive
frequencies are required to ensure the device operates over its
intended temperature range.
In all drive modes it is possible to specify different timing
parameters for three different temperature areas.. If
Temperature compensation mode is selected by programming
the appropriate bit to the DRIVEMODE register, the PTAT
temperature is checked at the beginning of the new ACTIVE
move command and depending on the Temperature recorded
the timing data for the move is read from the appropriate
timing register, HOT, COLD or NOMINAL.
The timing registers for all the driver outputs FA-ZD are
duplicated for Hot and Cold operation and the relevant timing
information for the Hot and Cold bands of operation are
programmed in these Registers.
PWM Slope Mode
A piezo element is a block of ceramic material and is basically a
moving capacitor. The electrical energy of the drive patterns are
converted into mechanical reaction energy inside the piezo
element, and the resulting deformation in the material is used
to produce forces to move the lens assembly in an optical
Driving a capacitive element with digital patterns may produce
large surges in power because power is only consumed during
transients and the impedance of the piezo motor can be very
small on the rising and falling edges of a pulse.
TheAD5801 has an alternative driving scheme called the PWM
Slope Mode which can be employed on Channels FA and FB.
The Slope Mode allows the user to control the rise and fall
times of the drive waveform by taking advantage of the energy
storage properties of the series inductor and the resultant LC
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