While VPP is high, for erasure and programming,
memory contents can also be accessed via the Read
command. The read operation is initiated by writing
XXFFH into the command register. Microprocessor
read cycles retrieve array data. The device remains
enabled for reads until the command register contents
are altered.
A Reset command is provided as a means to safely
abort the erase- or program-command sequences.
Following Set-up command with two consecutive
writes of XXFFH for ERS (or one write of XXFFH for
PGM) will safely abort the operation. Memory contents
will not be altered. A valid command must then be
written to place the device in the desired state.
Flash-memories are intended for use in applications
where the local CPU alters memory contents. As such,
manufacturer- and device-codes must be accessible
while the device resides in the target system. PROM
programmers typically access signature codes by rais-
ing A9 to a high voltage. However, multiplexing high
voltage onto address lines is not a desired system-
design practice.
The MX28F2100B contains a Silicon-ID-Read
operation to supplement traditional PROM-
programming methodology. The operation is initiated
by writing XX90H into the command register.
Following the command write, a read cycle with
A0=VIL retrieves the manufacturer code of
C2H(BYTE=VIL, 00C2H(BYTE=VIH). A read cycle
with A0=VIH returns the device code of 2BH(BYTE =
VIL), 002BH(BYTE = VIH).
After each erase operation, all bytes must be verified.
The Erase Verify operation is initiated by writing
XXA0H into the command register. The address for
the byte to be verified must be supplied as it is latched
on the falling edge of the WE pulse.
The MX28F2100B applies an internally generated
margin voltage to the addressed byte. Reading
FFFFH from the addressed byte indicates that all bits
in the byte are erased.
The Erase-Verify command must be written to the
command register prior to each byte verification to
latch its address. The process continues for each byte
in the array until a byte does not return FFFFH data, or
the last address is accessed.
In the case where the data read is not FFFFH, another
erase operation needs to be performed. (Refer to Set-
up Erase/Erase). Verification then resumes from the
address of the last-verified byte. Once all bytes in the
array have been verified, the erase step is complete.
The device can be programmed. At this point, the
verify operation is terminated by writing a valid
command (e.g. Program Set-up) to the command
register. The High Reliability Erase algorithm
illustrates how commands and bus operations are
combined to perform electrical erasure of the
The Automatic Chip Erase does not require the device
to be entirely pre-programmed prior to excuting the
Automatic Set-up Erase command and Automatic Chip
Erase command. Upon executing the Automatic Chip
Erase command, the device automatically will
program and verify the entire memory for an all-zero
data pattern. When the device is automatically verified
to contain an all-zero pattern, a self-timed chip erase
and verify begin. The erase and verify operations are
completed by the feed back of the status register. The
system is not required to provide any control or timing
during these operations.
P/N: PM0382
REV. 1.5, MAR. 24, 1998