Functional Pin Description (Cont.)
the SOURCE-SINK regulator. This pin drives the lower
external MOSFET as a sinking regulator.
FB (Pin 8)
Connect this pin to output of the SOURCE-SINK
regulator. This pin provides the voltage feedback path
for the sourcing and sinking regulators. This pin is in-
ternally connected to the negative input of the SOURCE
controller, and also connected to the positive input of
the SINK controller.
GND (Pin 12)
Signal ground for the IC. All voltage levels are mea-
sured with respect to this pin.
VSEN2 (Pin 13)
This pin is connected to the PWM2 converter’s output
voltage to provide the voltage feedback path. The over-
voltage protection(OVP) comparator uses this pin to
monitor the output voltage for over- voltage protection.
VIN (Pin 9)
Connect this pin to VMEM or a fixed voltage source.
Two voltages, about 0.5VIN, are generated by an inter-
nal resistor divider as the reference voltages of the sourc-
ing and sinking regulators. The sinking regulation volt-
age is higher than the sourcing one to prevent a direct
current path through the upper and lower MOSFETs.
OCSET1 (Pin 10)
Connect a resistor (ROCSET ) from this pin to the drain of
the PWM1 converter’s MOSFET. ROCSET, an internal
200uA current source (IOCSET ), and the MOSFET’s on-
resistance(rDS(ON)) set the converter’s over-current (OC)
trip point according to the following equation:
rDS( ON)
An over-current trip cycles the soft-start function. The
voltage at this pin is monitored for Power-On Reset
(POR) purposes.
VSEN1 (Pin 11)
This pin is connected to the PWM1 converter’s output
voltage to provide the voltage feedback path. The over-
voltage protection(OVP) comparator uses this pin to
monitor the output voltage for over- voltage protection
OCSET2 (Pin 14)
Connect a resistor (ROCSET ) from this pin to the drain of
the PWM2 converter’s MOSFET. The function of this pin is
similar to OCSET1(pin 10) for OC detection and POR
CORE0-2 (Pin 15-17)
CORE0-2 are TTL-compatible logic level input pins to
the 3-bit DAC. The states of the three pins set the
internal reference voltage (VCORE) for the PWM1 con-
verter and also set the OVP threshold voltage for
PWM1 converter.
MEM0-2 (Pin 18-20)
MEM0-2 are TTL-compatible logic level input pins to
the other 3-bit DAC. The states of the three pins set
the internal reference voltage (VMEM) for the PWM2
converter and also set the OVP threshold voltage for
PWM2 converter.
PGND (Pin 21)
Connect this pin to the anode of the flywheel diodes
of the two PWM converters.
PHASE2 (Pin 22)
Connect this pin to the PWM2 converter’s MOSFET
source.This pin is used to monitor the voltage drop
across the MOSFET for over-current protection.
Copyright ANPEC Electronics Corp. Rev. A.
Rev.A.2 - Mar., 2002