Smart Card Modules
Ordering Code: 09ET-00
Module Size: M2-00
Æ Dimension*: 12.6 x 11.4 [mm]
Glob Top: Clear, Round: 8.0 [mm] max
Thickness: 0.58 [mm] max
Pitch: 14.25 [mm]
Ordering Code: 09PT-00
Module Size: M2
Dimension*: 12.6 x 11.4 [mm]
Glob Top: Square: 8.8 x 8.8 [mm]
Thickness: 0.58 [mm]
Pitch: 14.25 [mm]
Ordering Code: 09GT-00
Module Size: M3
Æ Dimension*: 10.6 x 8.0 [mm]
Glob Top: Clear, Round: 6.9 [mm] max
Thickness: 0.58 [mm] max
Pitch: 9.5 [mm]
Ordering Code: 09HT-00
Module Size: M3
Æ Dimension*: 10.6 x 8.0 [mm]
Glob Top: Clear, Round: 6.9 [mm]
Thickness: 0.58 [mm] max
Pitch: 9.5 [mm]
*Note: The module dimensions listed refer to the dimensions of the exposed metal contact area. The actual dimensions
of the module after excise or punching from the carrier tape are generally 0.4 mm greater in both directions
(i.e., a punched M2 module will yield 13.0 x 11.8 mm).
20 AT88SC153