Motor driver ICs
FOperation notes
(1) Thermal shutdown (TSD)
The BA6872AFM has a thermal shutdown circuit to pro-
tect the IC. The shutdown temperature is 175 _C
(Typ.) and the hysteresis width is 65_C (Typ.).
When the circuit is activated due to an increase in the
chip temperature, the output pins (pins 5, 6, and 9) are
set to the open state. This circuit is functional against ex-
cessive power dissipation, output short-circuiting, and
other irregularities in the output current, but does not
work against overheating caused by high internal cur-
rents due to externally-caused IC damage, or pin-to-pin
(2) Hall input
The Hall input circuit is shown in (1) on the I / O circuits.
Hall devices can be connected either in series or in paral-
lel. Be sure to keep the Hall input within the range 1.5V
to (VCC * 1.8V).
(3) Setting pin for the output high-level voltage (Vref)
The voltage applied to the setting pin for the output high-
level voltage should not exceed the VM2 voltage. Con-
nect this to VM2 when not using it.
When the Vref pin is connected to a low impedance cir-
cuit for voltage setting, there is a chance that the output
voltage may oscillate.
When setting the voltage, set it via an impedance, or con-
nect a capacitor between Vref and GND.
The impedance and capacitor values will differ depend-
ing on the motor type, PCB pattern, and load current, so
test the values using your actual circuit.
(4) GND
The GND (pin 8) potential must be kept below that of the
other pins at all times. The thermal dissipation FIN is in-
ternally connected to pin 8. Take care regarding handling
of FIN.
(5) Input pins
Do not apply voltage to the inputs when VCC is not being
supplied. Also, in the same way, even if VCC is being sup-
plied, the inputs must be either at or below the VCC level.
(6) Back-rush voltage
The back-rush voltage will vary depending on the operat-
ing conditions, environment, and motor characteristics.
Take care to ensure that the back-rush voltage does not
interfere with the operation of the IC.
(7) Large current lines
Large currents flow in the power supply and GND lines
of this IC. Therefore, depending on the PCB pattern lay-
out and the values of external circuit components con-
nected between the power supply and GND such as ca-
pacitors, this large current can be returned to the input,
and cause incorrect operation and oscillation. To avoid
this, carefully check the PCB layout and the values of all
circuit components.
(8) The power dissipation of the IC depends on how it
is mounted. Perform thermal design carefully.
(9) Power consumption
The power dissipated by the IC varies widely with the ap-
plied voltage and output current. Pay close attention to
the allowed power dissipation, and base your thermal de-
sign on the thermal resistance data and transient thermal
resistance data to ensure that the ratings are not exceed-
(10) ASO
Make sure that the output current and supply voltage do
not exceed the ASO values.
(11) Input mode switching
To improve reliability, when switching modes, first switch
to the open mode.