4.3.2 Power Tab
The “Power” tab contains the main controls for setting the power options of all functional blocks in the
CS42L73. A brief description of each control group is described below.
• Power Down CS42L73 - the master power down register control for the CS42L73
• Serial Port - register controls to selectively power down serial port inputs/outputs
• Input - register controls to selectively power down analog input-related and digital mic functions
• Output - register controls to selectively power down analog outputs
• Misc - register controls to configure miscellaneous power-related options
• Device and Revision I.D. - displays the CS42L73 revision information
• Refresh Page - reads all registers in all devices and updates the values in the GUI
• Reset CS42L73 - resets the CS42L73
Figure 7. The “Power” Tab in FlexGUI for the CDB42L73