4.3.3 Clocking XSP VSP ASP Tab
The “Clocking XSP VSP ASP” tab contains the main controls for setting the clocking related options of all
functional blocks in the CS42L73. A brief description of each control group is described below.
• Disable MCLK - register control that disables the master clock within the CS42L73 when checked
• External MCLK Source - register control to select either the MCLK1 or the MCLK2 pin on the CS42L73
as the external master clock source
• Internal MCLK Frequency - register control to select the internal master clock frequency (note: internal
master clock is derived from the external master clock selected with the “External MCLK Source” menu)
• Digital MIC Shift Clock - register control to select the digital mic shift clock frequency (note: digital mic
clock is derived from the internal master clock as configured with the “Internal MCLK Frequency” menu)
• XSP - register controls to configure the Auxiliary Serial Port
• VSP - register controls to configure the Voice Serial Port
• ASP - register controls to configure the Audio Serial Port
• Refresh Page - reads all registers in all devices and updates the values in the GUI
• Reset CS42L73 - resets the CS42L73
Figure 8. The “Clocking XSP VSP ASP” Tab in FlexGUI for the CDB42L73