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M59DR032AZB Ver la hoja de datos (PDF) - STMicroelectronics

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M59DR032AZB Datasheet PDF : 38 Pages
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M59DR032A, M59DR032B
Auto Select (AS) Instruction. This instruction
uses two Coded Cycles followed by one write cy-
cle giving the command 90h to address 555h for
command set-up. A subsequent read will output
the Manufacturer or the Device Code (Electronic
Signature), the Block Protection status or the Con-
figuration Register status depending on the levels
of A0 and A1 (see Tables 9, 10 and 11). A7-A2
must be at VIL, while other address input are ig-
nored. The bank address is don’t care for this in-
struction. The Electronic Signature can be read
from the memory allowing programming equip-
ment or applications to automatically match their
interface to the characteristics of M59DR032. The
Manufacturer Code is output when the address
lines A0 and A1 are at VIL, the Device Code is out-
put when A0 is at VIH with A1 at VIL.
The codes are output on DQ0-DQ7 with DQ8-
DQ15 at 00h. The AS instruction also allows the
access to the Block Protection Status. After giving
the AS instruction, A0 is set to VIL with A1 at VIH,
while A12-A20 define the address of the block to
be verified. A read in these conditions will output a
01h if the block is protected and a 00h if the block
is not protected.
The AS Instruction finally allows the access to the
Configuration Register status if both A0 and A1
are set to VIH. If DQ10 is '0' only the Reset function
is active as RP is set to VIL (default at power-up).
If DQ10 is '1' both the Reset and the Power Down
functions will be achieved by pulling RP to VIL. The
other bits of the Configuration Register are re-
served and must be ignored. A reset command
puts the device in read array mode.
Write Configuration Register (CR) Instruc-
tion. This instruction uses two Coded Cycles fol-
lowed by one write cycle giving the command 60h
to address 555h. A further write cycle giving the
command 03h writes the contents of address bits
A0-A15 to the 16 bits configuration register. Bits
written by inputs A0-A9 and A11-A15 are reserved
for future use. Address input A10 defines the sta-
tus of the Reset/Power Down functions. It must be
set to VIL to enable only the Reset function and to
VIH to enable also the Power Down function. At
Power Up all the Configuration Register bits are
reset to '0'.
Enter Bypass Mode (EBY) Instruction. This in-
struction uses the two Coded cycles followed by
one write cycle giving the command 20h to ad-
dress 555h for mode set-up. Once in Bypass
mode, the device will accept the Exit Bypass
(XBY) and Program or Double Word Program in
Bypass mode (PGBY, DPGBY) commands. The
Bypass mode allows to reduce the overall pro-
gramming time when large memory arrays need to
be programmed.
Exit Bypass Mode (XBY) Instruction. This in-
struction uses two write cycles. The first inputs to
the memory the command 90h and the second in-
puts the Exit Bypass mode confirm (00h). After the
XBY instruction, the device resets to Read Memo-
ry Array mode.
Program in Bypass Mode (PGBY) Instruc-
tion. This instruction uses two write cycles. The
Program command A0h is written to any Address
on the first cycle and the second write cycle latch-
es the Address on the falling edge of W or E and
the Data to be written on the rising edge and starts
the P/E.C. Read operations within the same bank
output the Status Register bits after the program-
ming has started. Memory programming is made
only by writing '0' in place of '1'. Status bits DQ6
and DQ7 determine if programming is on-going
and DQ5 allows verification of any possible error.
Program (PG) Instruction. This instruction uses
four write cycles. The Program command A0h is
written to address 555h on the third cycle after two
Coded Cycles. A fourth write operation latches the
Address and the Data to be written and starts the
P/E.C. Read operations within the same bank out-
put the Status Register bits after the programming
has started. Memory programming is made only
by writing '0' in place of '1'. Status bits DQ6 and
DQ7 determine if programming is on-going and
DQ5 allows verification of any possible error. Pro-
gramming at an address not in blocks being
erased is also possible during erase suspend.
Double Word Program (DPG) Instruction. This
feature is offered to improve the programming
throughput, writing a page of two adjacent words
in parallel. High voltage (11.4V to 12.6V) on VPP
pin is required. This instruction uses five write cy-
cles. The double word program command 40h is
written to address 555h on the third cycle after two
Coded Cycles. A fourth write cycle latches the ad-
dress and data to be written to the first location. A
fifth write cycle latches the new data to be written
to the second location and starts the P/E.C.. Note
that the two locations must have the same address
except for the address bit A0. The Double Word
Program can be executed in Bypass mode (DPG-
BY) to skip the two coded cycles at the beginning
of each command.

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