PSoC®3: CY8C38 Family Data Sheet
Figure 1-1 illustrates the major components of the CY8C38
family. They are:
8051 CPU Subsystem
Nonvolatile Subsystem
Programming, Debug, and Test Subsystem
Inputs and Outputs
Digital Subsystem
Analog Subsystem
PSoC’s digital subsystem provides half of its unique config-
urability. It connects a digital signal from any peripheral to any
pin through the Digital System Interconnect (DSI). It also
provides functional flexibility through an array of small, fast, low
power Universal Digital Blocks (UDBs). PSoC Creator provides
a library of pre-built and tested standard digital peripherals
(UART, SPI, LIN, PRS, CRC, timer, counter, PWM, AND, OR,
and so on) that are mapped to the UDB array. The designer can
also easily create a digital circuit using boolean primitives by
means of graphical design entry. Each UDB contains Program-
mable Array Logic (PAL)/Programmable Logic Device (PLD)
functionality, together with a small state machine engine to
support a wide variety of peripherals.
In addition to the flexibility of the UDB array, PSoC also provides
configurable digital blocks targeted at specific functions. For the
CY8C38 family these blocks can include four 16-bit timer,
counter, and PWM blocks; I2C slave, master, and multi-master;
Full-Speed USB; and Full CAN 2.0b.
For more details on the peripherals see the “Example Periph-
erals” section on page 35 of this data sheet. For information on
UDBs, DSI, and other digital blocks, see the “Digital Subsystem”
section on page 35 of this data sheet.
PSoC’s analog subsystem is the second half of its unique config-
urability. All analog performance is based on a highly accurate
absolute voltage reference with less than 0.1% error over
temperature and voltage. The configurable analog subsystem
Analog muxes
Voltage references
Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)
Digital-to-Analog Converters (DACs)
Digital Filter Block (DFB)
All GPIO pins can route analog signals into and out of the device
using the internal analog bus. This allows the device to interface
up to 62 discrete analog signals. The heart of the analog
subsystem is a fast, accurate, configurable Delta-Sigma ADC
with these features:
Less than 100 µV offset
A gain error of 0.2%
Integral Non Linearity (INL) less than 1 LSB
Differential Non Linearity (DNL) less than 1 LSB
Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) better than 90 dB (Delta-Sigma) in
16-bit mode
This converter addresses a wide variety of precision analog
applications including some of the most demanding sensors.
The output of the ADC can optionally feed the programmable
DFB via Direct Memory Access (DMA) without CPU intervention.
The designer can configure the DFB to perform IIR and FIR
digital filters and several user defined custom functions. The
DFB can implement filters with up to 64 taps. It can perform a
48-bit multiply-accumulate (MAC) operation in one clock cycle.
Four high speed voltage or current DACs support 8-bit output
signals at update rate of 8 Msps in current DAC (IDAC) and 1
Msps in voltage DAC (VDAC). They can be routed out of any
GPIO pin. You can create higher resolution voltage PWM DAC
outputs using the UDB array. This can be used to create a pulse
width modulated (PWM) DAC of up to 10 bits, at up to 48 kHz.
The digital DACs in each UDB support PWM, PRS, or
delta-sigma algorithms with programmable widths.
In addition to the ADC, DACs, and DFB, the analog subsystem
provides multiple:
Uncommitted opamps
Configurable Switched Capacitor/Continuous Time (SC/CT)
blocks. These support:
Transimpedance amplifiers
Programmable gain amplifiers
Other similar analog components
See the “Analog Subsystem” section on page 48 of this data
sheet for more details.
PSoC’s 8051 CPU subsystem is built around a single cycle
pipelined 8051 8-bit processor running up to 67 MHz. The CPU
subsystem includes a programmable nested vector interrupt
controller, DMA controller, and RAM. PSoC’s nested vector
interrupt controller provides low latency by allowing the CPU to
vector directly to the first address of the interrupt service routine,
bypassing the jump instruction required by other architectures.
The DMA controller enables peripherals to exchange data
without CPU involvement. This allows the CPU to run slower
(saving power) or use those CPU cycles to improve the perfor-
mance of firmware algorithms. The single cycle 8051 CPU runs
ten times faster than a standard 8051 processor. The processor
speed itself is configurable allowing active power consumption
to be tuned for specific applications.
Document Number: 001-11729 Rev. *I
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