State Control
I Media changed input; active low, deglitched. Used as a general purpose FIQ
interrupt during normal operation. It is also used on power up to configure the
processor to either boot from the internal Boot ROM, or from external memory.
When low, the chip will boot from the internal Boot ROM.
I External active low fast interrupt request input
I External active high interrupt request input
I Two general purpose, active low interrupt inputs
I Power fail input; active low, deglitched input to force system into the Standby
I Main battery OK input; falling edge generates a FIQ, a low level in the Standby
State inhibits system start up; deglitched input
I External power sense; must be driven low if the system is powered by an
external source
I New battery sense; driven low if battery voltage falls below the "no-battery"
threshold; it is a deglitched input
I Power-on reset input. This signal is not deglitched. When active it completely
resets the entire system, including all the RTC registers. Upon power-up, the
signal must be held active low for a minimum of 100 µsec after VDD has set-
tled. During normal operation, nPOR needs to be held low for at least one
clock cycle of the selected clock speed (i.e., when running at 13 MHz, the
pulse width of nPOR needs to be > 77 nsec).
Note that nURESET, RUN/CLKEN, TEST(0), TEST(1), PE(0), PE(1), PE(2),
DRIVE(0), DRIVE(1), DD(0), DD(1), DD(2), and DD(3) are all latched on the
rising edge of nPOR.
I/O This pin is programmed to either output the RUN signal or the CLKEN signal.
The CLKENSL bit is used to configure this pin. When RUN is selected, the pin
will be high when the system is active or idle, low while in the Standby State.
When CLKEN is selected, the pin will only be driven low when in the Standby
State (For RUN, see Table 6).
I Wake up is a deglitched input signal. It must also be held high for at
least 125 µsec to guarantee its detection. Once detected it forces the
system into the Operating State from the Standby State. It is only
active when the system is in the Standby State. This pin is ignored
when the system is in the Idle or Operating State. It is used to wakeup
the system after first power-up, or after software has forced the system
into the Standby State. WAKEUP will be ignored for up to two seconds
after nPOR goes HIGH. Therefore, the external WAKEUP logic must
be designed to allow it to rise and stay HIGH for at least 125 usec, two
seconds after nPOR goes HIGH.
I User reset input; active low deglitched input from user reset button.
This pin is also latched upon the rising edge of nPOR and read along with the
input pins nTEST[0-1] to force the device into special test modes. nURESET
does not reset the RTC.
Table 4. External Signal Functions (cont.)