When using an on-chip emulator (E7 or E8) for H8/36049 Group program development and
debugging, the following restrictions must be noted.
1. The NMI pin is reserved for the E7 or E8, and cannot be used.
2. Pins P85, P86, and P87 cannot be used.
3. Area H'FFF780 to H'FFFB7F must on no account be accessed.
4. When the E7 or E8 is used, address breaks can be set as either available to the user or for use
by the E7 or E8. If address breaks are set as being used by the E7 or E8, the address break
control registers must not be accessed.
5. When the E7 or E8 is used, NMI is an input/output pin (open-drain in output mode), P85 and
P87 are input pins, and P86 is an output pin.
6. In on-board programming mode by boot mode, channel 1 (P21/RXD and P22/TXD) for SCI3
is used.
Related Manuals:
The latest versions of all related manuals are available from our web site.
Please ensure you have the latest versions of all documents you require.
H8/36049 Group manuals:
Document Title
H8/36049 Group Hardware Manual
H8/300H Series Software Manual
Document No.
This manual
User's manuals for development tools:
Document Title
Document No.
H8S, H8/300 Series C/C++ Compiler, Assembler, Optimizing Linkage Editor REJ10B0058
User's Manual
H8S, H8/300 Series Simulator/Debugger User's Manual
H8S, H8/300 Series High-performance Embedded Workshop 3 Tutorial
H8S, H8/300 Series High-performance Embedded Workshop 3 User's Manual REJ10B0026
Rev. 3.00 Mar. 15, 2006 Page vii of xxxii