Display Internal Block
Figure 1 shows the internal block
diagram of the HDSP-210X/
-211X/-250X displays. The CMOS
IC consists of an 8 byte Character
RAM, an 8 bit Flash RAM, a 128
character ASCII decoder, a 16
character UDC RAM, a UDC
Address Register, a Control Word
Register, and refresh circuitry
necessary to synchronize the
decoding and driving of eight 5 x
7 dot matrix characters. The
major user-accessible portions of
the display are listed below:
Character RAM
Flash RAM
User-Defined Character RAM
User-Defined Character
Address Register
(UDC Address Register)
Control Word Register
This RAM stores either ASCII character data or a UDC RAM address.
This is a 1 x 8 RAM which stores Flash data.
This RAM stores the dot pattern for custom characters.
This register is used to provide the address to the UDC RAM when
the user is writing or reading a custom character.
This register allows the user to adjust the display brightness, flash
individual characters, blink, self test, or clear the display.
Character Ram
Figure 2 shows the logic levels
needed to access the
Character RAM. During a normal
access, the CE = “0” and either
RD = “0” or WR = “0.” However,
erroneous data may be written
into the Character RAM if the
address lines are unstable when
CE = “0” regardless of the logic
levels of the RD or WR lines.
Address lines A0-A2 are used to
select the location in the Charac-
ter RAM. Two types of data can
be stored in each Character RAM
location: an ASCII code or a UDC
RAM address. Data bit D7 is used
to differentiate between the ASCII
character and a UDC RAM
address. D7 = 0 enables the ASCII
decoder and D7 = 1 enables the
UDC RAM. D0-D6 are used to
input ASCII data and D0-D3 are
used to input a UDC address.
Figure 2. Logic Levels to Access the Character RAM.