Write Operation
A Write operation requires a START condition, followed by a
valid Identification Byte, a valid Address Byte, a Data Byte,
and a STOP condition. After each of the three bytes, the
ISL22316 responds with an ACK. At this time, the device
enters its standby state (see Figure 18).
The non-volatile write cycle starts after STOP condition is
determined and it requires up to 20ms delay for the next
non-volatile write.
Read Operation
A Read operation consists of a three byte instruction
followed by one or more Data Bytes (See Figure 19). The
master initiates the operation issuing the following
sequence: a START, the Identification byte with the R/W bit
set to “0”, an Address Byte, a second START, and a second
Identification byte with the R/W bit set to “1”. After each of
the three bytes, the ISL22316 responds with an ACK. Then
the ISL22316 transmits Data Bytes as long as the master
responds with an ACK during the SCL cycle following the
eighth bit of each byte. The master terminates the read
operation (issuing a ACK and STOP condition) following the
last bit of the last Data Byte (see Figure 19).
In order to read back the non-volatile IVR, it is recommended
that the application reads the ACR first to verify the WIP bit
is 0. If the WIP bit (ACR[5]) is not 0, the host should repeat
its reading sequence again.
September 1, 2009