TG: The TG pin is the bootstrapped gate drive for the top
N-Channel MOSFET. Since very fast high currents are driven
from this pin, connect it to the gate of the power MOSFET
with a short and wide, typically 0.02” width, PCB trace to
minimize inductance.
VC: The VC pin is the output of the error amplifier whose
voltage corresponds to the maximum (peak) switch current
per oscillator cycle. The error amplifier is typically config-
ured as an integrator by connecting an RC network from
the VC pin to SGND. This circuit creates the dominant pole
for the converter regulation control loop. Specific integra-
tor characteristics can be configured to optimize transient
response. When Burst Mode operation is enabled (see Pin
4 description), an internal low impedance clamp on the VC
pin is set at 100mV below the burst threshold, which limits
the negative excursion of the pin voltage. Therefore, this
pin cannot be pulled low with a low impedance source. If
the VC pin must be externally manipulated, do so through
a 1kΩ series resistance.
VCC: The VCC pin is the internal bias supply decoupling
node. Use a low ESR, 1μF or greater ceramic capacitor to
decouple this node to PGND. Most internal IC functions
are powered from this bias supply. An external diode con-
nected from VCC to the BOOST pin charges the bootstrapped
capacitor during the off-time of the main power switch.
Back driving the VCC pin from an external DC voltage
source, such as the VOUT output of the regulator supply,
increases overall efficiency and reduces power dissipation
in the IC. In shutdown mode this pin sinks 20μA until the
pin voltage is discharged to 0V.
VFB: The output voltage feedback pin, VFB, is externally
connected to the supply output voltage via a resistive divider.
The VFB pin is internally connected to the inverting input
of the error amplifier. In regulation, VFB is 1.231V.
VIN: The VIN pin is the main supply pin and should be
decoupled to SGND with a low ESR capacitor (at least
0.1μF) located close to the pin.
Exposed Pad (SGND) (TSSOP Only): The exposed lead-
frame is internally connected to the SGND pin. Solder the
exposed pad to the PCB ground for electrical contact and
optimal thermal performance.