The LTC1599 is a 16-bit multiplying, current output DAC
with a 2-byte (8-bit wide) digital interface. The device
operates from a single 5V supply and provides both
unipolar 0V to – 10V or 0V to 10V and bipolar ±10V output
ranges from a 10V or –10V reference input. It has three
additional precision resistors on chip for bipolar opera-
tion. Refer to the Block Diagram regarding the following
The 16-bit DAC consists of a precision R-2R ladder for the
13LSBs. The 3MSBs are decoded into seven segments of
resistor value R (48k typ). Each of these segments and the
R-2R ladder carries an equally weighted current of one
eighth of full scale. The feedback resistor RFB and
4-quadrant resistor ROFS have a value of R/4. 4-quadrant
resistors R1 and R2 have a magnitude of R/4. R1 and R2
together with an external op amp (see Figure 4) inverts the
reference input voltage and applies it to the 16-bit DAC
input REF, in 4-quadrant operation. The REF pin presents
a constant input impedance of R/8 in unipolar mode and
R/12 in bipolar mode. The output impedance of the current
output pin IOUT1 varies with DAC input code. The IOUT1
capacitance due to the NMOS current steering switches
also varies with input code from 70pF to 115pF. IOUT2F and
IOUT2S are normally tied to the system analog ground. An
added feature of the LTC1599 is a proprietary deglitcher
that reduces glitch impulse to 1.5nV-s over the DAC output
voltage range.
Digital Section
The LTC1599 has a byte wide (8-bit), digital input data bus.
The device is double-buffered with two 16-bit registers.
The double-buffered feature permits the update of several
DACs simultaneously. The input register is loaded directly
from an 8-bit (or higher) microprocessor bus in a two step
sequence. The MLBYTE pin selects whether the 8 input
data bits are loaded into the LSB or the MSB byte of the
input register. When MLBYTE is brought to a logic low
level and WR is given a logic low going pulse, the 8 data
bits are loaded into the LSB byte of the input register.
Conversely, when MLBYTE is brought to a logic high level
and WR is given a logic low going pulse, the 8 data bits are
loaded into the MSB byte of the input register. If WR is
brought to a logic low level, the existing level of MLBYTE
determines which byte is loaded into the input register. If
the logic level of MLBYTE is changed while WR remains
low, no change will occur. This is because WR is an edge
triggered signal and once it goes low it locks out any
further changes in MLBYTE. WR must be brought high and
then low again to accept the new MLBYTE condition. The
second register (DAC register) is updated with the data
from the input register when the LD pin is brought to a
logic low level. Updating the DAC register updates the DAC
output with the new data. The deglitcher is activated on the
falling edge of the LD pin. The asynchronous clear pin
resets the LTC1599 to zero scale when the CLVL pin is at
a logic low level and to midscale when the CLVL pin is at
a logic high level. CLR resets both the input and DAC
registers. The device also has a power-on reset. Table 1
shows the truth table for the device.
Unipolar Mode
(2-Quadrant Multiplying, VOUT = 0V to – VREF)
The LTC1599 can be used with a single op amp to provide
2-quadrant multiplying operation as shown in Figure 1.
With a fixed – 10V reference, the circuit shown gives a
precision unipolar 0V to 10V output swing.
Bipolar Mode
(4-Quadrant Multiplying, VOUT = – VREF to VREF)
The LTC1599 contains on chip all the 4-quadrant resistors
necessary for bipolar operation. 4-quadrant multiplying
operation can be achieved with a minimum of external
components, a capacitor and a dual op amp, as shown in
Figure 3. With a fixed 10V reference, the circuit shown
gives a precision bipolar – 10V to 10V output swing.
Op Amp Selection
Because of the extremely high accuracy of the 16-bit
LTC1599, careful thought should be given to op amp
selection in order to achieve the exceptional performance
of which the part is capable. Fortunately, the sensitivity of
INL and DNL to op amp offset has been greatly reduced
compared to previous generations of multiplying DACs.
Tables 2 and 3 contain equations for evaluating the effects
of op amp parameters on the LTC1599’s accuracy when
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