RAMP (Pin 11/ Pin 9): Ramp Buffer Input. Connect the
RAMP pin to the master ramp signal to force the slave
supplies to track it. When the RAMP pin is connected to
the source of an external N-channel MOSFET, the slave
supplies track the MOSFET’s source, the master supply
voltage, as it ramps up and down. When a master supply
is not required, the RAMP pin can be tied directly to the
MGATE pin to form a master ramp voltage. In this configura-
tion, the supplies track the capacitor on the MGATE pin as
it is charged and discharged by the 10µA current source
that is controlled by the ON pin. The RAMP pin is weakly
clamped to VCC + 1V. Do not drive RAMP above VCC with
a low impedance source to avoid sinking large currents
into the pin. Ground the RAMP pin if it is unused.
RAMPBUF (Pin 20/Pin 18): Ramp Buffer Output. The
RAMPBUF pin provides a low impedance buffered ver-
sion of the signal on the RAMP pin. This buffered output
drives the resistive voltage dividers that connect to the
TRACK pins. Limit the capacitance at the RAMPBUF pin
to less than 100pF.
RSGATE (Pin 13/Pin 11): Gate Drive for Internal and
External N-Channel MOSFET Remote Sense Switches. A
remote sense path between a load and the sense input of
its supply generator automatically compensates for voltage
drops across the tracking MOSFET. After the series MOS-
FETs are fully enhanced, a 10µA current pulls up RSGATE.
An internal charge pump guarantees that RSGATE will
pull up to 5.5V above VCC, which ensures that logic-level
N-channel MOSFETs are fully enhanced. When the voltage
at RSGATE exceeds VCC + 4.9V, the STATUS/PGI pull-down
is released. When the ON pin is low, a 10µA current source
pulls RSGATE to GND. Supplies will not track down until
the RSGATE pin voltage falls below 1.23V, which ensures
that the remote sense switches open before the loads are
disconnected. Connect RSGATE to the gates of additional
external N-channel MOSFETs to create more remote sense
switches. Upon a fault condition, the RSGATE pin is pulled
low immediately with 20mA. Optionally connect a capaci-
tor between RSGATE and GND to set the switch-on rate
or to add delay between switch closure and STATUS/PGI
assertion. Leave RSGATE unconnected if it is unused.
SGATE1, SGATE2 (Pins 5, 16/Pins 3, 14): Slave Gate Con-
trollers for External N-Channel MOSFETs. Each SGATE pin
ramps a slave supply by controlling the gate of an external
N-channel MOSFET so that its source terminal follows the
tracking profile set by external resistors and the master
ramp. It is a good practice to add a 10Ω resistor between
this pin and the MOSFET’s gate to prevent high frequency
oscillations. An internal charge pump guarantees that the
SGATE pin voltage will pull up to 5.5V above VCC, which
ensures that logic-level N-channel MOSFETs are fully
enhanced. Leave unused SGATE pins unconnected.
STATUS/PGI (Pin 14/Pin 12): Status Output/Power Good
Input. A 10µA current pulls up STATUS/PGI when MGATE,
SGATE1 and SGATE2 are fully enhanced, and the remote
sense switches are closed, otherwise an internal N-channel
MOSFET pulls down STATUS/PGI. If the STATUS/PGI pin
is pulled below 1V after the power-good time-out delay
(see PGTMR pin description), the fault latch is set, and
MGATE, SGATE1, SGATE2 and RSGATE are all pulled low
immediately. An internal charge pump guarantees that the
STATUS/PGI pin voltage will pull up to 5.5V above VCC.
An external pull-up resistor may be added to limit the
STATUS/PGI voltage to logic levels. Leave the STATUS/PGI
pin unconnected if it is unused.
TRACK1, TRACK2 (Pins 2, 19/Pins 20, 17): Tracking Con-
trol Inputs. A resistive voltage divider between RAMPBUF
and each TRACK pin determines the tracking profile of
each supply channel. Each TRACK pin pulls up to 0.8V,
and the current supplied at TRACK is mirrored at FB. The
TRACK pins are capable of supplying at least 1mA when
VCC = 2.9V. They may be capable of supplying up to 10mA
when the supply is at 5.5V, so care should be taken not to
short this pin for extended periods. Limit the capacitance
at the TRACK pins to less than 25pF. Leave unused TRACK
pins unconnected.
VCC (Pin 1/Pin 19): Positive Voltage Supply. Operating
range is from 2.9V to 5.5V. An undervoltage lockout resets
the part when the supply is below 2.4V. VCC should be
bypassed to GND with a 0.1µF capacitor.