CPO (Pin 1): Output of the Charge Pump Used to Power
all LEDs. A 2.2μF X5R or X7R ceramic capacitor should
be connected to ground.
ULED1-ULED9 (Pins 2 to 6, Pins 11 to 14): Current Source
Outputs for Driving LEDs. The LED current can be set from
0mA to 28mA in 64 steps via software control and internal
6-bit linear DAC. Each output can be disabled by setting the
associated data register REG1-REG9 to 0. ULED1-ULED9
can also be used as I2C controlled open-drain outputs.
Connect unused outputs to ground.
DVCC (Pin 7): Supply Voltage for All Digital I/O Lines. This
pin sets the logic reference level of the LTC3219. DVCC will
reset the data registers when set below the undervoltage
lockout threshold, which is the recommended method
for resetting the part after power-up. A 0.1μF X5R or X7R
ceramic capacitor should be connected to ground.
SCL (Pin 8): I2C Clock Input. The logic level for SCL is
referenced to DVCC.
SDA (Pin 9): Input Data for the Serial Port. Serial data is
shifted in one bit per clock to control the LTC3219. The
logic level is referenced to DVCC.
ENU (Pin 10): Input. Used to enable or disable the pre-
selected ULED outputs. When the pin is toggled from
low (disable) to high (enable), the LTC3219 illuminates
the pre-selected LEDs. When ENU is controlling selected
outputs and other outputs have been enabled, the charge
pump mode will be reset to 1x on the falling edge of ENU.
When ENU is controlling selected outputs and no other
outputs are active, the part will go from enabled to shut-
down. The ENU logic level is referenced to DVCC. This pin
is connected to ground if unused.
GND (Pin 15, 21): System Ground. Connect Pin 15 and
the Exposed Pad (Pin 21) to the ground plane.
C1P, C2P, C1M, C2M (Pins 20, 19, 17, 16): Charge Pump
Flying Capacitor Pins. A 1μF X7R or X5R ceramic capaci-
tor should be connected from C1P to C1M and C2P to
VBAT (Pin 18): Supply Voltage for the Entire Device. This
pin should be bypassed with a single 2.2μF low ESR
ceramic capacitor.