L7585F Full-Feature, Low-Power SLIC and Switch
Data Sheet
September 2001
Operating States (continued)
Ground Start/Tip Ground State
s Ground start busy supervision state.
s Same as ground start/tip open state but with SW1
Forward Battery Ring Open State
s Tip lead continuity test state (tone injected at the
receive port) in forward battery.
s Same as forward battery active state, but with SW4
and SW4a open, and the ring drive amplifier
powered down.
s Pin PR is high impedance (>100 kΩ).
s Tip current limit is twice the low-current active state
current limit.
s NDET indicates an off-hook when the tip current
(flowing out of PT) is twice the value programmed for
the switchhook detector in the forward battery active
Ringing States (2)
s Normal ringing state.
s Tip and ring drive amplifiers are powered down.
s SW1 and SW5 closed; SW2, SW2a, SW3, SW4,
SW4a, and SW6 open.
s NDET reflects the status of the ring trip detector.
s Bit B3 indicates whether the ringing voltage applied
to the ringing bus is either battery backed (B3 = 1) or
earth backed (B3 = 0). Although B3 has no direct
effect on the state of the SLIC, it can be used by the
ring trip detector to enhance ring trip detection.
Disconnect State
s All circuits are powered up and active.
s SW2, SW2a, SW4, and SW4a closed; SW1, SW3,
SW5, and SW6 open.
s PT and PR are at the same potential to deny current
to the loop.
Forward Battery Low-Current Active State
s Normal talk and forward battery feed state.
s All circuits are powered up and active.
s Pin PT is positive with respect to pin PR (forward bat-
s SW2, SW2a, SW4, and SW4a closed; SW1, SW3,
SW5, and SW6 open.
s NDET reflects the status of the switchhook detector.
s Current limit is lowered to approximately 0.66 times
the normal limit.
High-Impedance States (2)
s Disconnect state.
s Tip and ring drive amplifiers are powered down (all
bias currents off).
s Pins PT and PR are high impedance (>100 kΩ).
s SW1, SW2, SW2a, SW3, SW4, SW4a, SW5, and
SW6 open.
s NDET is undefined.
Reverse Battery Active State
s Normal talk and reverse battery feed state.
s Same as forward battery active state, but PR is posi-
tive with respect to PT.
Reverse Battery Tip Open State
s Ring lead continuity test state (tone injected at the
receive port) in reverse battery.
s SW2 and SW2a open and the tip drive amplifier pow-
ered down.
s Pin PT is high impedance (>100 kΩ).
s Pin PR is held between -1.7 V and -2.3 V for PR cur-
rents less than +-20 mA. PR current limit is the SW4
break switch current limit (250 mA < I < 85 mA).
s NDET indicates an off-hook when the ring current
(flowing out of PR) is twice the value programmed for
the switchhook detector in the reverse battery active
Agere Communications Inc.