Characterization MeasuremFernet eCosncdiatiolens Semiconductor, Inc.
Device and Signals Set-up
Measurement Set-up
Video: 5 step Grey Scale- 1Vpk-pk.
No Audio signal
This is measured using a Rohde &
Schwarz AMFS Demodulator in B/G
(using a CCIR Rec. 567 weighting
network, 100kHz to 5MHz band with
sound trap, and envelope detection, and
a Rohde & Schwarz UAF Video
On line CCIR 330, the video analyzer DP measure consists of calculating
the difference of the Chroma phase at the black level and the different
chroma subcarrier phase angles at each step of the greyscale. The
largest positive or negative difference indicates the distortion.
the largest positive or negative difference
the phase at position 0
* 100%
The video analyzer method takes the worst step from the first 4 steps.
Video Differential Gain
On line CCIR 330 shown below, the video analyzer DG measure consists
of calculating the difference of the Chroma amplitude at the black level
and the different amplitudes at each step of the greyscale. The largest
positive or negative difference indicates the distortion.
Video: 5 step Grey Scale- 1Vpk-pk.
No Audio signal
This is measured using a Rohde &
Schwarz AMFS Demodulator in B/G
(using a CCIR Rec. 567 weighting
network, 100kHz to 5MHz band with
sound trap and envelope detection, and
a Rohde & Schwarz UAF Video
5-step Greyscale with Chroma subcarrier superimposed
(not to scale), line CCIR 330.
No Audio signal
Video: 10 step grey scale
the largest positive or negative difference
the amplitude at position 0
* 100%
The video analyzer method takes the worst step from the first 4 steps.
CCIR line 330 corresponds to FCC line 17 in NTSC/M standard
Video Modulation Depth
This is measured using a HP8596E Spectrum Analyzer with a TV Trigger
option, allowing demodulation and triggering on any specified TV Line.
The analyzer is centred on the maximum peak of the Video signal and
reduced to zero Hertz span in Linear mode to demodulate the Video
A(Am( 6V-1)0mV)
No Video signal
No Audio Signal
“PS” bit set to 0 and 1
B(Bm(0.V6 -)3mV)
TV Line Demodulated by Spectrum Analyzer-BG standard
The Modulation Depth is calculated as (A-B)/A x 100 in%
Picture to Sound ratio
Measure in dBc sound carrier in reference to picture carrier (TVout_Ref)
for “PS” bit=0 (PS=12dB typical) and for “PS” bit=1 (PS=16dB),
Picture carrier
Sound carrier
Fo +5.5Mhz
Audio Modulation Depth - FM Modulation
MC44BC375/U/J/T Technical Data
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