4.2 Rail-to-Rail Output
There are two specifications that describe the output
swing capability of the MCP6041/2/3/4 family of op
amps. The first specification (Maximum Output Voltage
Swing) defines the absolute maximum swing that can
be achieved under the specified load condition. Thus,
the output voltage swings to within 10 mV of either sup-
ply rail with a 50 kΩ load to VDD/2. Figure 2-10 shows
how the output voltage is limited when the input goes
beyond the linear region of operation.
The second specification that describes the output
swing capability of these amplifiers is the Linear Output
Voltage Range. This specification defines the maxi-
mum output swing that can be achieved while the
amplifier still operates in its linear region. To verify
linear operation in this range, the large signal DC
Open-Loop Gain (AOL) is measured at points inside the
supply rails. The measurement must meet the specified
AOL condition in the specification table.
4.3 Output Loads and Battery Life
The MCP6041/2/3/4 op amp family has outstanding
quiescent current, which supports battery-powered
applications. There is minimal quiescent current
glitching when Chip Select (CS) is raised or lowered.
This prevents excessive current draw, and reduced
battery life, when the part is turned off or on.
Heavy resistive loads at the output can cause
excessive battery drain. Driving a DC voltage of 2.5V
across a 100 kΩ load resistor will cause the supply cur-
rent to increase by 25 µA, depleting the battery 43
times as fast as IQ (0.6 µA, typical) alone.
High frequency signals (fast edge rate) across
capacitive loads will also significantly increase supply
current. For instance, a 0.1 µF capacitor at the output
presents an AC impedance of 15.9 kΩ (1/2πfC) to a
100 Hz sinewave. It can be shown that the average
power drawn from the battery by a 5.0 Vp-p sinewave
(1.77 Vrms), under these conditions, is
PSupply = (VDD - VSS) (IQ + VL(p-p) f CL )
= (5V)(0.6 µA + 5.0Vp-p · 100Hz · 0.1µF)
= 3.0 µW + 50 µW
This will drain the battery 18 times as fast as IQ alone.
4.4 Capacitive Loads
Driving large capacitive loads can cause stability
problems for voltage feedback op amps. As the load
capacitance increases, the feedback loop’s phase
margin decreases and the closed-loop bandwidth is
reduced. This produces gain peaking in the frequency
response, with overshoot and ringing in the step
response. A unity gain buffer (G = +1) is the most
sensitive to capacitive loads, although all gains show
the same general behavior.
When driving large capacitive loads with these op
amps (e.g., > 60 pF when G = +1), a small series
resistor at the output (RISO in Figure 4-3) improves the
feedback loop’s phase margin (stability) by making the
output load resistive at higher frequencies. The
bandwidth will be generally lower than the bandwidth
with no capacitive load.
Output Resistor, RISO
stabilizes large capacitive loads.
Figure 4-4 gives recommended RISO values for
different capacitive loads and gains. The x-axis is the
normalized load capacitance (CL/GN), where GN is the
circuit’s noise gain. For non-inverting gains, GN and the
Signal Gain are equal. For inverting gains, GN is
1+|Signal Gain| (e.g., -1 V/V gives GN = +2 V/V).
GN = +1
GN = +2
GN t +5
Normalized Load Capacitance; CL/GN (F)
Recommended RISO Values
for Capacitive Loads.
After selecting RISO for your circuit, double check the
resulting frequency response peaking and step
response overshoot. Modify RISO’s value until the
response is reasonable. Bench evaluation and
simulations with the MCP6041/2/3/4 SPICE macro
model are helpful.
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