NCP1207A, NCP1207B
Operation Shots
Below are some oscilloscope shots captured at
Vin = 120ĂVDC with a transformer featuring a 800ĂmH
primary inductance.
VGATE (5 V/div)
VRsense (200 mV/div)
200 mA X RSKIP
Current Sense Pin (200 mV/div)
Figure 25.
This plot gathers waveforms captured at three different
operating points:
1st upper plot: free run, valley switching operation,
Pout = 26 W
2nd middle plot: min Toff clamps the switching frequency
and selects the second valley
3rd lowest plot: the skip slices the second valley pattern
and will further expand the burst as Pout goes low
Figure 26.
This picture explains how the 200 mA internal offset
current creates the skip cycle level.
VCC (5 V/div)
VGATE (5 V/div)
Figure 27.
The short-circuit protection forces the IC to enter burst in
presence of a secondary overload.