Product Specification
Table 5. Single-pin Control Logic Truth Table
Control Voltages
Signal Path
Pin 1 (V2) = VDD
Pin 2 (V1) = High
RFC to RF1
Pin 1 (V2) = VDD
Pin 2 (V1) = Low
RFC to RF2
Table 6. Complementary-pin Control Logic
Truth Table
Control Voltages
Pin 1 (V2 ) = Low
Pin 2 (V1) = High
Pin 1 (V2) = High
Pin 2 (V1) = Low
Signal Path
RFC to RF1
RFC to RF2
Control Logic Input
The PE4250 is a versatile RF CMOS switch that
supports two operating control modes; single-pin
control mode and complementary-pin control
Single-pin control mode enables the switch to
operate with a single control pin (pin 2) supporting
a +3.3 or 5.0-volt CMOS logic input, and requires
a dedicated +3.3 or 5.0-volt power supply
connection (pin 1). This mode of operation
reduces the number of control lines required and
simplifies the switch control interface typically
derived from a CMOS µProcessor I/O port.
Complementary-pin control mode allows the
switch to operate using complementary control
pins V1 and V2 (pins 2 & 1), that can be directly
driven by +3.3 or 5.0-volt CMOS logic or a suitable
µProcessor I/O port. This enables the PE4250 to
operate in positive control voltage mode within the
PE4250 operating limits.
Document No. 70-0254-02 │
©2008-2009 Peregrine Semiconductor Corp. All rights reserved.
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