Key Features
t A simple interface to 8-bit microcontrollers that use either multiplexed or
non-multiplexed busses. The bus interface logic uses the control signals generated by
the microcontroller automatically when the address is decoded and a read or write is
performed. A partial list of the MCU families supported include:
• Intel 8031, 80196, 80186, 80C251, and 80386EX
• Motorola 68HC11, 68HC16, 68HC12, and 683XX
• Philips 8031 and 8051XA
• Zilog Z80 and Z8
t Internal 1 Mbit Flash memory. This is the main Flash memory. It is divided into eight
equal-sized blocks that can be accessed with user-specified addresses.
t Internal secondary 256 Kbit EEPROM memory. It is divided into four equal-sized blocks
that can be accessed with user-specified addresses. This secondary memory brings
the ability to execute code and update the main Flash concurrently.
t 16 Kbit scratchpad SRAM. The SRAM’s contents can be protected from a power failure
by connecting an external battery.
t Optional 64 byte One Time Programmable (OTP) memory that can be used for product
configuration and calibration.
t CPLD with 16 Output Micro⇔Cells (OMCs) and 24 Input Micro⇔Cells (IMCs). The
CPLD may be used to efficiently implement a variety of logic functions for internal
and external control. Examples include state machines, loadable shift registers, and
loadable counters.
t Decode PLD (DPLD) that decodes address for selection of internal memory blocks.
The DPLD can also be used to generate external chip selects.
t 27 individually configurable I/O port pins that can be used for the following functions:
• MCU I/Os
• PLD I/Os
• Latched MCU address output
• Special function I/Os.
• 16 of the I/O ports may be configured as open-drain outputs.
t Standby current as low as 50 µA for 5 V devices, 25 µA for 3 V devices.
t Built-in JTAG compliant serial port allows full-chip In-System Programmability (ISP).
With it, you can program a blank device or reprogram a device in the factory or the field.
t Internal page register that can be used to expand the microcontroller address space by
a factor of 256.
t Internal programmable Power Management Unit (PMU) that supports a low power mode
called Power Down Mode. The PMU can automatically detect a lack of microcontroller
activity and put the PSD813F1 into Power Down Mode.
t Erase/Write cycles:
• Flash memory – 100,000 minimum
• EEPROM – 10,000 minimum
• PLD – 1,000 minimum
• Data Retention: 15 year minimum at 90 degrees Celsius (for Main Flash, Boot, PLD
and Configuration bits).