Absolute Maximum Ratings
Supply Voltages
Between GNDs ………………………….……. -0.3 to +0.3 V
Between VCCs …………………..………….. -0.3 to +0.3 V
VCCs to GND ………………………..…….… 0 V to +3.8 V
RF Input Voltages
CLKIP, CLKIN to GND ........................……… 0 V to VCC
HS Digital Input Voltages
DI<0:11> …...................................................... 0 V to VCC
Output Termination Voltages
DOUTP, DOUTN to GND ……........................0 V to VCC
Operating Temperature……………..……. -30 to +100 °C
Case Temperature…………………………… -15 to +85 °C
Junction Temperature….……………………..….. +120 °C
Lead, Soldering (10 Seconds) ………………….. +220 °C
Storage….……………………………..…..… -40 to 125 °C
Rockwell Scientific reserves the right to make changes to its product specifications at any time without notice.
The information furnished herein is believed to be accurate; however, no responsibility is assumed for its use.
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