Philips Semiconductors
Digital Audio Broadcast (DAB) decoder
Preliminary specification
During decoding, the SAA2501 de-multiplexes the MPEG
audio bitstream, and with knowledge of the ancillary
information, reconstructs and combines the sub-band
signals into a broadband audio output signal.
7.2 Basic functionality
From a functional point of view, several blocks can be
distinguished in the SAA2501. A clock generator section
derives the internally and externally required clock signals
from its clock inputs. The SAA2501 can switch between a
master and a slave input interface to receive the coded
input data. The input processor parses and de-multiplexes
the input data stream. The de-quantization and scaling
processor performs the transformation and scaling
operations on the sample representations in the input
bitstream to yield sub-band domain samples.
The sub-band samples are transferred via an external
detour to the synthesis sub-band filter bank processor.
The detour can be used to process the decoded audio in
the sub-band domain. The baseband audio samples,
reconstructed by the sub-band filter bank, can be
processed before being output.
The decoding control block houses the L3 control
interface, and handles the response to external control
signals. The L3 control interface enables the application to
configure the SAA2501, to read its decoding status, to
read Program Associated Data, and so on.
Several pins are reserved for Boundary Scan Test and
Scan Test purposes.
7.3 SAA2501 clocks
The SAA2501 clock interfacing is designed for application
versatility. It consists of 10 signals (see Table 1).
From a functional point of view, the clock generator inside
the device can be represented as shown in Fig.3.
As described above, the SAA2501 incorporates a master
input interface on which it requests for coded input data
itself, as well as a slave input interface for an imposed
coded data input bitstream. The input interface is selected
with flags MSEL0 and MSEL1, controlled via the L3
microcontroller interface.
Depending on the selected input interface, only a limited
number of the three possible input clocks (MCLKIN, X22IN
and FSCLKIN) is actually required. The various clock
options are selected with the 3 external control signals
MCLK24, FSCLKM and FSCLK384. These control signals
must be stationary while the device reset signal at
pin RESET is de-activated; changing any of these
3 signals without simultaneously resetting the SAA2501
can result in malfunctioning.
Table 1 Clock interfacing signals
master clock oscillator input or signal input
master clock oscillator output
master clock output; buffered signal
master clock frequency indication input:
MCLK24 = 0; MCLKIN frequency is 12.288 MHz (256 × 48 kHz)
MCLK24 = 1; MCLKIN frequency is 24.576 MHz (512 × 48 kHz)
22.5792 MHz (512 × 44.1 kHz) clock oscillator input or signal input
22.5792 MHz (512 × 44.1 kHz) clock oscillator output
sample rate clock signal input
sample rate clock signal input; buffered signal
sample rate clock signal frequency indication input:
FSCLK384 = 0; FSCLKIN frequency is 256fs
FSCLK384 = 1; FSCLKIN frequency is 384fs
sample rate clock source selection when using the master input:
FSCLKM = 0; use MCLKIN or X22IN as source
FSCLKM = 1; use FSCLKIN as source
January 1995