TC1197 Data Sheet
Revision History: V1.1, 2009-05
Previous Version: V1.0, 2009-01
Subjects (major changes since last revision)
Page 1-4
Typo of TTCAN-related text is deleted from the MultiCAN features.
Page 1-6
Description is added for the derivatives of TC1797.
Page 2-26 Text which describes the endurance of PFlash and DFlash is enhanced.
Page 2-53 Typo of big-endian support is deleted from the EBU section.
Page 5-129
Page 5-133
Page 5-141
The spike-filters parameters are included, tSF1, tSF2.
The maximum limit for IOZ1 is updated.
The temperature sensor measurement time parameter is added.
Page 5-149 The condition for HWCFG is deleted from hold time from PORST rising
Page 5-150 The power, pad, reset timing figure is updated.
Page 5-151 The notes under the PLL sections are updated.
Page 5-166 Footnote for t12 and t21 for EBU Burst Mode Access Timing section is
Page 5-166 Footnote 2 is added for t10, footnote 5 is added for t23, t24 t25 and t26 in
EBU Burst Mode Access Timing section.
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Data Sheet
V1.1, 2009-05