Highly Integrated Green-Mode PWM Controller
Product Specification
Start-up Current
Under-Voltage Lockout (UVLO)
For start-up, the HV pin is connected to the line input or
bulk capacitor through an external diode and resistor RHV,
which are recommended as 1N4007 and 100KΩ. Typical
start-up current drawn from the HV pin is 1.2mA and it
charges the hold-up capacitor through the diode and
resistor. When the VDD capacitor level reaches VDD-ON, the
start-up current switches off. At this moment, the VDD
capacitor only supplies the SG6742 to keep the VDD
before the auxiliary winding of the main transformer to
carry on provide the operating current.
Operating Current
Operating current is around 4mA. The low operating
current enables better efficiency and reduces the
requirement of VDD hold-up capacitance.
Green-Mode Operation
The patented green-mode function provides an off-time
modulation to reduce the switching frequency in
light-load and no-load conditions. The on-time is limited
for better abnormal or brownout protection. VFB, which is
derived from the voltage feedback loop, is taken as the
reference. Once VFB is lower than the threshold voltage,
switching frequency is continuously decreased to the
minimum green mode frequency, around 22KHz.
Current Sensing / PWM Current Limiting
Peak-current-mode control is utilized to regulate output
voltage and provide pulse-by-pulse current limiting. The
switch current is detected by a sense resistor into the
SENSE pin. The PWM duty cycle is determined by this
current sense signal and VFB, the feedback voltage. When
the voltage on the SENSE pin reaches around VCOMP =
(VFB–1.2)/4, a switch cycle is terminated immediately.
VCOMP is internally clamped to a variable voltage around
0.85V for output power limit.
Leading-Edge Blanking
Each time the power MOSFET is switched on, a turn-on
spike occurs on the sense-resistor. To avoid premature
termination of the switching pulse, a leading-edge
blanking time is built in. During this blanking period, the
current-limit comparator is disabled and it cannot switch
off the gate driver.
The turn-on and turn-off threshold are fixed internally at
16.5V/10.5V. During start-up, the hold-up capacitor must
be charged to 16.5V through the start-up resistor so that
IC is enabled. The hold-up capacitor continues to supply
VDD before the energy can be delivered from auxiliary
winding of the main transformer. VDD must not drop
below 10.5V during this start-up process. This UVLO
hysteresis window ensures that hold-up capacitor is
adequate to supply VDD during start-up.
Gate Output / Soft Driving
The SG6742 BiCMOS output stage is a fast totem pole
gate driver. Cross conduction is avoided to minimize heat
dissipation, increases efficiency, and enhances reliability.
The output driver is clamped by an internal 18V Zener
diode to protect power MOSFET transistors against
undesirable gate over voltage. A soft driving waveform is
implemented to minimize EMI.
Built-in Slope Compensation
The sensed voltage across the current-sense resistor is
used for peak-current-mode control and pulse-by-pulse
current limiting. Built-in slope compensation improves
stability or prevents sub-harmonic oscillation. SG6742
inserts a synchronized positive-going ramp at every
switching cycle.
Constant Output Power Limit
When the SENSE voltage, across the sense resistor Rs,
reaches the threshold voltage, around 0.9V, the output
GATE drive is turned off after a small delay, tPD. This
delay introduces additional current, proportional to
tPD•VIN / LP. Since the delay is nearly constant, regardless
of the input voltage VIN, higher input voltage results in a
larger additional current and the output power limit is
higher than under low input line voltage. To compensate
this variation for wide AC input range, a sawtooth
power-limiter is designed to solve the unequal
power-limit problem. The power limiter is designed as a
positive ramp signal and is fed to the inverting input of the
OCP comparator. This results in a lower current limit at
high-line inputs than at low-line inputs.
© System General Corp.
Version 1.0.1 (IAO33.0083.B0)
www.sg.com.tw • www.fairchildsemi.com
September 24, 2007