If a unit step voltage is applied to the above transfer function
and the inverse Laplace transform is taken, the output result
- p) x e - x × t
Where t = time
As we can see, if x = p (i.e. if the VCM pole and compensa-
tion amplifier zero = the transconductance closed loop pole),
then Vo reduces to A. In other words, a step input results in
a step output without overshoot. If x < p then a step input
results in an increased rise time output and no overshoot. If
x > p, a step input results in a step output with an overshoot.
If this overshoot is large enough, there may be a cross-con-
duction condition in the output FETs.
Let us look at the above equation at t = 0 and t >> 0,
expressed in terms of the open loop high frequency voltage
gain, A.
VO = A
× Lv
At t = 0
At t > > 0
In the example shown above, p = 10,000 and A = 9.8. This
means that there is some overshoot. At t = 0, the output volt-
age is 9.8 V per volt of input. At some later time, it has
dropped to 7.5 V per volt of input. An overshoot of 31 % is
thus produced.
The maximum overshoot voltage requires careful consider-
ation, since it constitutes a potentially catastrophic problem
area. If we had decided to optimize for no overshoot, A would
equal 7.5, and hence the closed loop pole (A * B / Lv) would
be 10,000, which is a frequency of 1.592 kHz. This would
have resulted in a phase margin degradation of 13° at the
367 Hz frequency desired. This may or may not be accept-
able. One must weigh the servo bandwidth, phase margin
degradation, and maximum voltage at the VCM for each indi-
vidual case.
Vishay Siliconix
In the example for the 2081 Hz roll-off case with 31 % over-
shoot and proper pole cancellation, the compensation values
RL = 6.2 kΩ
CL = 0.016 µF
In the example for the 1592-Hz roll-off case with no over-
shoot and proper pole cancellation, the compensation values
RL = 4.7 kΩ
CL = 0.022 µF
The linearity of the transconductance amplifier (around a
center value of 500 mA/volt) is shown in Figure 2. In this
case, the output current sense resistors (RSA and RSB) were
± 5 % tolerance, 0.5 Ω . Any mismatch between RSA and RSB
contribute directly to mismatch between the positive and
negative "full-scale". Including the external resistor mis-
match, the overall loop nonlinearity is approximately 1 %
maximum over a ± 250 mV input voltage range.
- 1 VDD = 12 V
RSA = RSB = 0.5 Ω "5 %
- 2 Rm = 52 Ω
Gm = 500 mA/V
- 300 - 200 - 100 0
100 200 300
VIN in mV
Figure 2. Si9961A Transconductance
End Point Non-Linearity
Document Number: 70014
S-40845-Rev. H, 03-May-04