Command Description
Set Lower Column Address
This command specifies the lower nibble of the 8-bit column
address of the display data RAM. The column address will be
incremented by each data access after it is pre-set by the MCU.
Set Higher Column Address
This command specifies the higher nibble of the 8-bit column
address of the display data RAM. The column address will be
incremented by each data access after it is pre-set by the MCU.
Set Internal Regulator Resistors Ratio
This command is to enable any one of the eight internal resis-
tor sets for different regulator gain when using internal regulator
resistor network (IRS pin pulled high). Please refer to Block Dia-
gram Description section for detail calculation of the LCD driv-
ing voltage.
Set Power Control Register
This command turns on/off the various power circuits associ-
ated with the chip.
Set Display Start Line
This command is to set Display Start Line register to deter-
mine starting address of display RAM to be displayed by select-
ing a value from 0 to 63. With value equals to 0, D0 of Page 0 is
mapped to COM0. With value equals to 1, D1 of Page0 is
mapped to COM0. The display start line values of 0 to 63 are
assigned to Page 0 to 7.
Set Contrast Control Register
This commands adjusts the contrast of the LCD panel by
changing VL6 of the LCD drive voltage provided by the On-Chip
power circuits. VL6 is set with 64 steps (6-bit) contrast control
register. It is a compound commands:
Set Contrast Control Register
Contrast Level Data
Set Segment Re-map
This commands changes the mapping between the display
data column address and segment driver. It allows flexibility in
layout during LCD module assembly. Refer to Figure 5 for exam-
Set LCD Bias
This command selects a suitable bias ratio (1/7 or 1/9)
required for driving the particular LCD panel in use. The POR
default for SSD1815 is set to 1/9 bias. For setting 1/4, 1/5, 1/6
and 1/8 bias, an extended compound command should be
Set Entire Display On/Off
This command forces the entire display, including the icon
row, to be “ON”regardless of the contents of the display data
RAM. This command has priority over normal/reverse dis-
play. This command will be used with “Set Display Display
ON/OFF”command to form a compound command for enter-
ing power save mode. See “Set Power Save Mode”.
Set Normal/Reverse Display
This command sets the display to be either normal/
reverse. In normal display, a RAM data of 1 indicates an “ON”
pixel while in reverse display, a RAM data of 0 indicates an
“ON”pixel. In icon mode, the icon line is not reversed by this
Set Display On/Off
This command alternatively turns the display on and off.
When display off is issued with entire display on, power save
mode will be entered. See “Set Power Save Mode” for
Set Page Address
This command positions the page address from 0 to 8 pos-
sible positions in GDDRAM. Refer to Figure 5 for mapping.
Set COM Output Scan Direction
This command sets the scan direction of the COM output
allowing layout flexibility in LCD module assembly.
Set Read-Modify-Write Mode
This command puts the chip in read-modify-write mode in
1. the column address is saved before entering the mode
2. the column address is incremented by display data write
but not by display data read
Software Reset
This command causes some of the internal status registers
of the chip to be initialized:
1. Static indicator is turned OFF
2. Display start line register is set to 0
3. Column address counter is set to 0
4. Page address is set to 0
5. Normal scan direction of the COM outputs
6. Contrast control register is set to 0
7. Test mode is turned OFF
Set End of Read-Modify-Write Mode
This command relieves the chip from read-modify-write
mode. The column address that is saved before entering
read-modify-write mode will be restored.
Set Indicator On/Off
This command turns on and off the static drive indicators. It
also controls whether standby mode or sleep mode will be
REV 1.5