Note : [X,Y] : line number referred to the internal line counter
- Fully integrated synch. separator, with a low pass
filter, a black level alignment of the Y/CVBS input, a
slicing level at 2/3,1/3of the sync. pulse amplitude.
- Frame sync. pulse locked on 2 fH frequency to
perfect interlace.
- 500kHz VCO with an externalceramic resonator.
- Two phase locked loops
• the first PLL locks the VCO on the video signal
• the second PLL compensates the line transistor
storage time.
- Three time constants for the first PLL.
• thelong timeconstantis usedfor normaloperation
• the short time constant is automatically used
during the frame retrace and in search mode of
VCR when the frame pulse is outside [258,264]
and [309,314].
• very long time constant when no video recognition
Time constants in normal operation
(automatic selection of time constants) :
50Hz input signal :
- short time constant : [306, 21]
- long time constant : the rest of the field
60Hz input signal :
- short time constant : [0, 16]
- long time constant : the rest of the field
• inhibition of the first PLL :
the first locked loop is opened from line 309 to
line 4.5 (or 314) in 50Hz mode. It isopened from
line 258 to line 5.5 (or 264) in 60Hz mode.
• the time constantsvalues are chosenby means
of external components.
• possibility to force the short time constant
through the bus.
• possibility to force the very long time constant
through the bus.
- Video identification : coincidence detector be-
tween the line synchro top and a line frequency
window from the firstPLL. The video identification
status is available in the output register of the I2C
bus decoder.
- Generation of burst gate pulses and line fre-
quency signals from the first PLL to drive the
chroma and video circuits. The burst gate pulse
is also sent to the sandcastle generator.
- Frame synchro window : [248, 352] catching
- Field frequency selection windows :
[248, 288] 6 0 Hz mo de s e le c t io n if two
consecutive frame pulses occur
inside this window,otherwise 50Hz
mode selection.
[288, 352] 50Hz mode selection window
- frame blanking pulse :
from line 0 to 21 in 50Hz mode
from line 0 to 16 in 60Hz mode
- Vertical output pulse is 10.5 lines long.
- Horizontal output pulse : 28µs line pulse on an
open collector output;
- Start up circuit : the horizontal output is at a high
level when VCC increases from 0 to 6.8V. On
shutting down, horizontal pulses are disabled
when VCC is below 6.2V.
- Soft-start circuit : the duty cycle of the horizontal
output is 78 % (Thigh/(Thigh + TLow))when VCC1
is lower than (0.75 x VCC2), during the rising time.
During the falling time, a 78% duty cycle HOUT
pulse is provided when VCC1 is lower than
(0.60 x VCC2).
- Possibility to disable the horizontal output pulse
through the bus (force a high level on HOUT).
- Horizontal position adjustment controlled by bus.
- Bus controlledoutput voltage to adjustthe vertical
amplitude; this voltage permits to adjust the slope
of the vertical sawtooth generated by the external
frame booster.
- Bus controlled vertical position ; the high level of
the vertical pulse permits to adjust the vertical
- Bus controlled 4/3-16/9 selection : the low level
of the vertical pulse is 0.1V when 16/9 is selected,
2V when 4/3 is selected.
- Combined flyback input and sandcastle output
(Pin 37). Two thresholds on LFB/SCO Pin : The
lowest threshold (0.7V) permits to extract the line
blankingpulse; the highestthreshold(2V) permits
to extract the line pulse for PLL2. The sandcastle
signal at Pin 37 is used to control the external
baseband chroma delay line.
- Integrated trap filter :
Q = 1.7 at sharp. min
Q = 3.0 at sharp. max
Center frequency : - 4.43MHz,
3.58MHz for PAL, NTSC
- Integrated chroma bandpass : Q = 3.5
Center frequency : 4.43MHz, 3.58MHz
- Integrated delay line : Bandwidth = 8MHz
- Integrated low pass filter for deflection part.
- All filters are tuned with a reference phase locked
loop. The PLL consists of a lowpass filter, a phase
comparator,a loop filter (an externalcapacitor).The
referencesignalis the continuouscarrierwavefrom
the VCO (4.43MHz or 3.58MHz). The PLL adjusts
the center frequency of the lowpass so that it is
equal to the referencesignal.The tuning voltage of
the PLL is used to adjust all other filters.