The ONCE (‘‘On-Circuit Emulation’’) Mode facilitates
testing and debugging of systems using the
8XC51GB without removing it from the circuit The
ONCE Mode is invoked by
1) Pulling ALE low while the device is in reset and
PSEN is high
2) Holding ALE low as RESET is deactivated
While the device is in ONCE Mode the Port 0 pins
float and the other port pins and ALE and PSEN are
weakly pulled high The oscillator circuit remains ac-
tive While the 8XC51GB is in this mode an emula-
tor or test CPU can be used to drive the circuit Nor-
mal operation is restored when a normal reset is ap-
Watchdog Timer (WDT)
The 8XC51GB contains a dedicated Watchdog Tim-
er (WDT) to allow recovery from a software or hard-
ware upset The WDT consists of a 14-bit counter
which is cleared on Reset and subsequently incre-
mented every machine cycle While the oscillator is
running the WDT will be incrementing and cannot
be disabled The counter may be reset by writing
1EH and E1H in sequence to the WDTRST Special
Function Register If the counter is not reset before
it reaches 3FFFH (16383D) the chip will be forced
into a reset sequence by the WDT This works out to
12 28 ms 16 MHz WDTRST is a write only regis-
ter The WDT does not force the external reset pin
While in Idle mode the WDT continues to count If
the user does not wish to exit Idle with a reset then
the processor must be periodically ‘‘woken up’’ to
service the WDT In Power Down mode the WDT
stops counting and holds its current value
Serial Expansion Port (SEP)
The Serial Expansion Port is a half-duplex synchro-
nous serial interface with the following features
Four Clock Frequencies
Four Interface Modes
Interrupt Driven
XTAL 12 24 48 96
High Low Falling Rising
Oscillator Fail Detect (OFD)
The Oscillator Fail Detect circuitry triggers a reset if
the oscillator frequency is lower than the OFD trig-
ger frequency It can be disabled by software by writ-
ing E1H followed by 1EH to the OFDCON register
Before going into Power Down Mode the OFD must
be disabled or it will force the GB out of Power
Down The OFD has the following features
OFD Trigger Frequency Below 20 KHz the
8XC51GB will be held in reset Above 400 KHz
the 8XC51GB will not be held is reset
Functions in Normal and Idle Modes
Reactivated by Reset (or External Interrupt Ze-
ro One Pins) after Software Disable
The Intel EXPRESS products are designed to meet
the needs of those applications whose operating re-
quirements exceed commercial standards
With the commercial standard temperature range
operational characteristics are guaranteed over the
temperature range of 0 C to a70 C With the ex-
tended temperature range option operational char-
acteristics are guaranteed over the range of b40 C
to a85 C The 87C51GB EXPRESS is packaged in
the 68-lead PLCC package In order to designate a
part as an EXPRESS part a ‘‘T’’ is added as a prefix
to the part number TN87C51GB denotes an EX-
PRESS part in a PLCC package
All AC and DC parameters in this data sheet apply to
the EXPRESS devices