Philips Semiconductors
CIDCW receiver
Table 18: Characteristics…continued
VDD = 2.5 to 3.6 V; Tamb = −25 to +70 °C; HXIN = 3.579545 MHz ±0.05%; LXIN = 32.768 kHz ±0.1%; unless otherwise
Symbol Parameter
Min Typ Max Unit
U 3.58 MHz oscillator (pins HXIN and HXOUT)
VHXIN(p-p) external clock signal amplitude
n(peak-to-peak value) on pin HXIN
0.5 −
re C1i; C2i
input impedance on pin HXIN
input capacitance on pins HXIN and
HXOUT [13]
300 1000 −
s 32 kHz oscillator (pins LXIN and LXOUT)
tr Ci(LXIN)
LXIN input capacitance
LXOUT output capacitance
Vi(p-p) < 50 mV
c [1] Except for FSK and CAS detection, all circuitry works already when VDD > VPOR(H). Since the I2C-bus interface will work (starts to
t acknowledge), the application can start reading the LOW-BAT Indication bit (Status register, bit 5) to check whether the supply voltage
e has reached the operating voltage level. A voltage divider network can be connected to pins VDD, LOWBAT and AGND/DGND such that
VLOWBAT = Vref if VDD = VDD(min).
d [2] The power-on reset LOW level is defined as VPOR(L) = VPOR(H) − Vhys(POR). By design VPOR(L) is always lower than VPOR(H).
[3] 32 kHz oscillator on (MIN Interrupt, SEC Interrupt, Polarity change, Low battery and Level detect available).
[4] 3.58 MHz oscillator on (device fully operational).
[5] GND < VI < VDD. The leakage currents are generally very small, <1 nA. The value given here, 1 µA, is a maximum that can occur after
an Electrostatic Stress on the pin.
[6] When FSK is selected the signal power is measured between 1000 and 2200 Hz. When CAS is selected signal levels are measured
between 2000 and 2800 Hz.
[7] The IRQ pin is implemented as a 3-state pin which is only active (either HIGH or LOW) when an interrupt occurs. A pull-up or pull-down
has to be connected to define the line when no interrupt is generated.
[8] Verified on sampling basis.
[9] According to Bellcore specification: near end speech level ≤ −7 dBm ASL (ASL = Active Speech Level), referenced to 600 Ω, according
to method B of recommendation P.56.
[10] Pins SCL and SDA are equipped with an open-drain output buffer. The pins have no clamp diode to VDD.
[11] The input threshold voltage of SCL and SDA meet the I2C-bus specification. Therefore, an input voltage below 0.3VDD will be recognized
as a logic 0 and an input voltage above 0.7VDD will be recognized as a logic 1
[12] Maximum capacitive load for each bus line is 400 pF.
[13] C1i and C2i are the total internal capacitances (including gate capacitance and leadframe capacitance).
9397 750 04824
Product specification
11 March 1999
© Philips Electronics N.V. 1999. All rights reserved.
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