Chapter 1: Overview for the Arria II Device Family
Arria II Device Architecture
Auto-Calibrating External Memory Interfaces
■ I/O structure enhanced to provide flexible and cost-effective support for different
types of memory interfaces
■ Contains features such as OCT and DQ/DQS pin groupings to enable rapid and
robust implementation of different memory standards
■ An auto-calibrating megafunction is available in the Quartus II software for
PHYs; the megafunction takes advantage of the PLL dynamic reconfiguration
feature to calibrate based on the changes of process, voltage, and temperature
f For the maximum clock rates supported in Altera's FPGA devices, refer to the
External Memory Interface Spec Estimator online tool.
f For more information about the external memory interfaces support, refer to the
External Memory Interfaces in Arria II Devices chapter.
Nios II
■ Arria II devices support all variants of the NIOS® II processor
■ Nios II processors are supported by an array of software tools from Altera and
leading embedded partners and are used by more designers than any other
configurable processor
Configuration Features
■ Configuration
■ Supports active serial (AS), passive serial (PS), fast passive parallel (FPP), and
JTAG configuration schemes.
■ Design Security
■ Supports programming file encryption using 256-bit volatile and non-volatile
security keys to protect designs from copying, reverse engineering, and
tampering in FPP configuration mode with an external host (such as a MAX® II
device or microprocessor), or when using the AS, FAS, or PS configuration
■ Decrypts an encrypted configuration bitstream using the AES algorithm, an
industry standard encryption algorithm that is FIPS-197 certified and requires
a 256-bit security key
Arria II Device Handbook Volume 1: Device Interfaces and Integration
July 2012 Altera Corporation