Chapter 9: Configuration, Design Security, and Remote System Upgrades in Arria II Devices
Design Security
Table 9–26 lists the configuration modes allowed in each of the security modes.
Table 9–26. Allowed Configuration Modes for Various Security Modes (Note 1)
Security Mode
Allowed Configuration Modes
No key
Unencrypted All configuration modes that do not engage the design security feature.
Secure with volatile key
■ PS with AES (and/or with decompression)
■ FPP with AES (and/or with decompression)
■ Remote update AS or fast AS with AES (and/or with decompression)
■ AS or fast AS (and/or with decompression)
Board-level testing with
volatile key
Unencrypted All configuration modes that do not engage the design security feature.
■ PS with AES (and/or with decompression)
Secure with non-volatile key Encrypted
■ FPP with AES (and/or with decompression)
■ Remote update AS or fast AS with AES (and/or with decompression)
■ AS or fast AS (and/or with decompression)
Board-level testing with
non-volatile key
Unencrypted All configuration modes that do not engage the design security feature.
Secure in tamper resistant
mode using volatile or
non-volatile key with tamper
protection set
■ PS with AES (and/or with decompression)
■ FPP with AES (and/or with decompression)
■ Remote update AS or fast AS with AES (and/or with decompression)
■ AS or fast AS (and/or with decompression)
Note to Table 9–26:
(1) There is no impact to the configuration time required when compared with unencrypted configuration modes except when using FPP with AES
(and/or decompression), which requires DCLK that is x4 the data rate.
1 The design security feature is available in all configuration methods except JTAG.
Therefore, you can use the design security feature in FPP mode (when using an
external controller, such as a MAX II device or a microprocessor and flash memory),
or in AS, fast AS, and PS configuration schemes.
July 2012 Altera Corporation
Arria II Device Handbook Volume 1: Device Interfaces and Integration