AC Performance Characteristics
Normal Mode
(VDD = +4.75 V to +5.25 V; VIOUT1 = VIOUT2 = AGND = 0 V. VREF = 6 V rms, 1 kHz sine wave; DAC output op amp is
AD843; TA = TMIN to TMAX, unless otherwise noted. These characteristics are included for Design Guidance and are
not subject to test.)
B Grade Units
Test Conditions/Comments
Output Voltage Settling Time 550
Digital-to-Analog Glitch Impulse 35
Multiplying Feedthrough Error –70
Output Capacitance
Channel-to-Channel Isolation –76
Digital Crosstalk
Digital Feedthrough
Total Harmonic Distortion
Output Noise Spectral Density
@ 1 kHz
ns typ
nV-s typ
dB max
pF max
pF max
dB typ
nV-s typ
nV-s typ
dB typ
To 0.01% of Full-Scale Range. DAC Latch Alternately Loaded
with All 0s and All 1s
Measured with VREF = 0 V. DAC Register Alternately Loaded
with All 0s and All 1s
VREF = 20 V p-p, 10 kHz Sine Wave. DAC Latch Loaded
with All 0s
All 1s Loaded to DAC
All 0s Loaded to DAC
Feedthrough from Any One Reference to the Others with
20 V p-p, 10 kHz Sine Wave Applied
Effect of All 0s to All 1s Code Transition on Nonselected DACs
Feedthrough to Any DAC Output with FSIN High and Square
Wave Applied to SDIN and SCLK
VREF = 6 V rms, 1 kHz Sine Wave
nV/√Hz typ All 1s Loaded to the DAC. VREF = 0 V. Output Op Amp Is
AC Performance Characteristics
Biased Mode
(VDD = +3 V to +5.5 V; VIOUT1 = VIOUT2 = 1.23 V; AGND = 0 V. VREF = 1 kHz, 2.45 V p-p, sine wave biased at 1.23 V; DAC
output op amp is AD820; TA = TMIN to TMAX, unless otherwise noted. These characteristics are included for Design
Guidance and are not subject to test.)
A Grade Units
Test Conditions/Comments
Output Voltage Settling Time 3.5
Digital to Analog Glitch Impulse 35
Multiplying Feedthrough Error –70
Output Capacitance
Digital Feedthrough
Total Harmonic Distortion
Output Noise Spectral Density
@ 1 kHz
µs typ
nV-s typ
dB max
pF max
pF max
nV-s typ
dB typ
To 0.01% of Full-Scale Range. VREF = 0 V. DAC Latch Alter-
nately Loaded with all 0s and all 1s.
Measured with VIOUT2 = 0 V and VREF = 0 V. DAC Register Alter-
nately Loaded with all 0s and all 1s.
DAC Latch Loaded with all 0s.
All 1s Loaded to DAC
All 0s Loaded to DAC
Feedthrough to Any DAC Output with FSIN HIGH and a Square
Wave Applied to SDIN and CLKIN
nV/√Hz typ All 1s Loaded to DAC. VIOUT2 = 0 V; VREF = 0 V