The UART-interface works with a clock frequency of 307,2 kHz, if it is chosen 9.6 kbaud (32
sample spots per bit), or 614,4 kHz, if it is chosen 19.2 kbaud (32 sample spots per bit).
3.2.2 Resetbehavior
After connecting the operating voltage the TP-UART-IC generates an active reset
(level 0 V) at pin RESn. This is valid for all modes. If Normal Mode is activated the following
will happen at the UART-interface.
TxD will be 0 as long as there was no bus signal on the EIB for 40 Tbit (1 Tbit = 1/9600 s;
Attention: The bittime of RxD/TxD depends on the adjusted baudrate at the UART-interface,
for example 1 Tbit or 0,5 Tbit). This results in a complete time of 40 Tbit + 12 Tbit = 5,42 ms.
Then TxD changes for 1 Tbit to 1 and following the service TPUART-Reset.Indication is
transmitted. This signal behavior on TxD appears after each reset.
3.2.3 UART-Protocol Definition
The protocol between TP-UART-IC and the application controller is a two wire protocol with
software handshake. Each data byte transmitted to the TP-UART-IC is started with a control
byte. Each data byte received on the EIB is transparently transmitted through the TP-UART-
IC and is therefore started with the EIB control field. Additional Information from the TP-
UART-IC is transmitted with an ESC code on the EIB control field. The host controller which
is connected to the TP-UART-IC needs to detect a receive time-out of 2 to 2,5 ms to detect
an end of Packet. Services to UART
The following Services are supported from the TP-UART-IC.
• U_Reset.request
• U_State.request
• U_Activate Busmonitor
• U_AckInformation (Nack, Busy, Addressed)
• U_L_DataStart
+ CTRL-Byte
• U_L_DataContinue (index)
+ Data-Byte
• U_L_DataEnd
+ Checksum
• U_PollingState (Slotnumber)
+ PollAddrHigh + PollAddrLow + State
UART-Control Field Servicename
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 U_Reset.request
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 U_State.request
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 U_ActivateBusmon
0 0 0 1 0 X X X U_AckInformation
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U_L_DataStart
1 0 i i i i i i U_L_DataContinue
0 1 l l l l l l U_L_DataEnd
1 1 1 0 s s s s U_PollingState
10 - 17
81 - BE
47 - 7F
E0 - EF
xxx: Nack,Busy,Addressed
i = Index
l = last index + 1
s = Slotnumber
1 .. 62
7 .. 63
0 .. 14
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