AT Commands
The XE1276A uses "AT" commands for modem config-
uration. This section describes the command format
and lists the commands, registers and result codes.
Modes of Operation
The "AT" commands have two operational modes;
Command Mode and Data Mode.
Data Mode: The XE1276A enters data mode upon
connecting with a remote modem and issues an
appropriate "CONNECT" result code. In Data Mode the
modem sends all data presented on Transmit Data
(TXD) to the remote modem and places demodulated
data from the remote modem onto Received Data
(RXD). When the modem exits data mode, it issues the
"NO CARRIER" result code.
Command Mode: The XE1276A enters command
mode on power-up, reset, a lost connection, or receipt
of the escape code. In command mode the modem
accepts commands from the host on transmit data.
Appropriate result codes are returned on received data.
Command Line Format
Command lines issued to the modem follow a strict
format. Each command begins with the prefix AT. The
command line is stored in the command buffer and
executed upon receipt of a carriage return. Until
executed, the command line can be edited with the
backspace key.
Command Prefix - Commands, except A/, begin with
the AT prefix. The "A" and "T" may be both upper case
or both lower case but cannot be of different cases. The
prefix identifies the speed and parity of the commands
sent by the host. Speed is determined by measuring the
width of the incoming bits. Parity is determined by
comparing the parity bits of the "A" and "T."
Command Line - Commands may be strung together
in a single command line of up to 40 characters.
Commands are executed in the sequence they appear.
A carriage return terminates the command line and
causes the commands to be executed. Register S3
allows the user to select a character other than a
carriage return to terminate the command line.
Command Buffer - The command buffer stores up to
40 characters, including the AT prefix, from one
command line. Spaces may be inserted into the
command line without filling space in the command
buffer. If the command buffer overflows, the modem
issues an "ERROR" result code and commands are not
Command Line Editing - A backspace can be used to
edit a command line before execution. The backspace
key, (Control and H simultaneously on some systems),
erases the previous character in the command line.
Register S5 allows the user to select a character other
than a backspace as the command line editor.
Re-Execute Last Command - The A/ command
causes the modem to reexecute the last command line.
This command does not require the "AT" prefix.
Omitted Parameters - Most commands include a
parameter which determine the function setting. When
the command parameter is omitted from the command
string, it is assumed to be a 0.
Escape Characters - An escape sequence may be
entered while in data mode to switch the modem into
command mode while on line. The escape character,
set by Register S2, must be entered 3 times in
succession within a 1 second guard time to execute the
escape. The default escape sequence is "+++."
Result Codes - The modem issues a result code after
each action. Result codes may be provided as full
words, numeric codes or may be disabled all together.
Each result code ends with a carriage return when
numeric result codes are chosen. When full word result
codes are chosen, a Line feed and Carriage Return
preceed and follow each result code.