Electrical Characteristics (Cont’d): (Note 2, unless otherwise specified, all specifications apply
with the following conditions:
3VDC ≤ V+ ≤ 20VDC
3VDC ≤ VLED ≤ V+
–0.015V ≤ VRLO ≤ 12VDC
–0.015V ≤ VRHI ≤ 12VDC
VREF, VRHI, VRLO ≤ (V+ –1.5V)
0V ≤ VIN ≤ V+ –1.5V
TA +25°C, IL(REF) = 0.2mA,
VLED = 3V, Pin9 connected to Pin3
(Bar Mode)
Test Conditions
Min Typ Max Unit
Output Drivers (Cont’d)
Dropout Voltage
Saturation Voltage
Output Leakage, Each Collector
ILED(ON) = 20mA, VLED = 5V,
∆ILED = 2mA
ILED = 2mA, IL(REF) = 0.4mA
Bar Mode, Note 4
– – 1.5
– 0.15 0.4
– 0.1 10
Output Leakage
Dot Mode, Note 4 Pin10 to Pin18
– 0.1 10
60 150 450 µA
Supply Current
Standby Supply Current (All Outputs OFF)
V+ = 5V, IL(REF) = 0.2mA
V+ = 20V, IL(REF) = 1mA
– 2.4 4.2 mA
– 6.1 9.2 mA
Note 4. Bar mode results when Pin9 is within 20mV of V+. Dot mode results when Pin9 is pulled at
least 200mV below V+ or left open circuit. LED No. 10 (Pin10 output current) is disabled if
Pin9 is pulled 0.9V or more below VLED.
Pin Connection Diagram
LED1 1
V (–) 2
V (+) 3
Divider Low 4
Signal Input 5
Divider High 6
Reference Output 7
Reference Adjust 8
Mode Select 9
18 LED2
17 LED3
16 LED4
15 LED5
14 LED6
13 LED7
12 LED8
11 LED9
10 LED10
.870 (22.1) Max
.100 (2.54)
.800 (20.3)
.125 (3.17) Min