FLEX 10K Embedded Programmable Logic Device Family Data Sheet
SRAM configuration elements allow FLEX 10K devices to be reconfigured
in-circuit by loading new configuration data into the device. Real-time
reconfiguration is performed by forcing the device into command mode
with a device pin, loading different configuration data, reinitializing the
device, and resuming user-mode operation.
The entire reconfiguration process may be completed in less than 320 ms
using an EPF10K250A device with a DCLK frequency of 10 MHz. This
process can be used to reconfigure an entire system dynamically. In-field
upgrades can be performed by distributing new configuration files.
Refer to the configuration device data sheet to obtain the POR
delay when using a configuration device method.
Programming Files
Despite being function- and pin-compatible, FLEX 10KA and FLEX 10KE
devices are not programming- or configuration-file compatible with
FLEX 10K devices. A design should be recompiled before it is transferred
from a FLEX 10K device to an equivalent FLEX 10KA or FLEX 10KE
device. This recompilation should be performed to create a new
programming or configuration file and to check design timing on the
faster FLEX 10KA or FLEX 10KE device. The programming or
configuration files for EPF10K50 devices can program or configure an
EPF10K50V device. However, Altera recommends recompiling a design
for the EPF10K50V device when transferring it from the EPF10K50 device.
Configuration Schemes
The configuration data for a FLEX 10K device can be loaded with one of
five configuration schemes (see Table 116), chosen on the basis of the
target application. An EPC1, EPC2, EPC16, or EPC1441 configuration
device, intelligent controller, or the JTAG port can be used to control the
configuration of a FLEX 10K device, allowing automatic configuration on
system power-up.
Altera Corporation