The ALD500AU/ALD500A/ALD500 conversion cycle takes
place in four distinct phases, the Auto Zero Phase, the Input
Signal Integration Phase, the Reference Voltage Deintegration
Phase, and the Integrator Zero Phase. A typical measurement
cycle uses all four phases in an order sequence as mentioned
above. The internal analog switch status for each of these
phases is summarized in Table 1.
value selections. The total number of clock pulses or clock
counts, during integration phase determine the resolution of
the conversion. For high resolution applications, this total
number of clock pulses should be maximized. The basic unit
of resolution is in µV/count. Before the end of this phase,
comparator output is sampled by the microcontroller. This
phase is terminated by changing logic inputs AB from 10 to 11.
Reference Voltage Deintegration Phase ( DINT Phase)
The following is a detailed description of each one of the four
phases of the conversion cycle.
Auto Zero Phase (AZ Phase)
The analog-to-digital conversion cycle begins with the Auto
Zero Phase, when the digital controller applies low logic level
to input A and high logic level to input B of the analog
processor. During this phase, the reference voltage is stored
on reference capacitor CREF, comparator offset voltage and
the sum of the buffer and integrator offset voltages are stored
on auto zero capacitor CAZ. During the Auto Zero Phase, the
comparator output is characterized by an indeterminate
At the end of the Input Signal Integration Phase, Reference
Voltage Deintegration Phase begins. The previously charged
reference capacitor is connected with the proper polarity to
ramp the integrator output back to zero. The ALD500AU/
ALD500A/ALD500 analog processors automatically selects
the proper logic state to cause the integrator to ramp back
toward zero at a rate proportional to the reference voltage
stored on the reference capacitor. The time required to return
to zero is measured by the counter in the digital processor
using the same crystal oscillator. The phase is terminated by
the comparator output after the comparator senses when the
integrator output crosses zero. The counter contents are then
transferred to the register. The resulting time measurement
is proportional to the magnitude of the applied input voltage.
During the Auto Zero Phase, the external input signal is
disconnected from the internal circuitry of the ALD500AU/
ALD500A/ALD500 by opening the two SWIN analog switches
and connecting the internal input nodes internally to analog
ground. A feedback loop, closed around the integrator and
comparator, charges the CAZ capacitor with a voltage to
compensate for buffer amplifier, integrator and comparator
offset voltages.
This is the system initialization phase, when a conversion is
ready to be initiated at system turn-on. In practice the
converter can be operated in continuous conversion mode,
where AZ phase must be long enough for the circuit conditions
to settle out any system errors. Typically this phase is set to
be equal to tINT.
Input Signal Integration Phase (INT Phase)
During the Input Signal Integration Phase (INT), the ALD500AU/
ALD500A/ALD500 integrates the differential voltage across
the (V+IN) and (V-IN) inputs. The differential voltage must be
within the device's common-mode voltage range CMVR. The
integrator charges CINT for a fixed period of time, or counts a
fixed number of clock pulses, at a rate determined by the
magnitude of the input voltage. During this phase, the analog
inputs see only the high impedance of the noninverting
operational amplifier input of the buffer. The integrator responds
only to the voltage difference between the analog input
terminals, thus providing true differential analog inputs.
The input signal polarity is determined by software control at
the end of this phase: COUT = 1 for positive input polarity;
COUT = 0 for negative input polarity. The value is, in effect, the
sign bit for the overall conversion result.
The duration of this phase is precisely measured from the
transition of AB from 10 to 11 to the falling edge of the
comparator output, usually with a crystal controlled digital
counter chain. The comparator delay contributes some error
in this phase. The typical comparator delay is 1µsec. The
comparator delay and overshoot will result in error timing,
which translates into error voltages. This error can be zeroed
and minimized during Integrator Output Zero Phase and
corrected in software, to within ±1 count of the crystal clock
(which is equivalent to within ± 1 LSB, when 1 clock pulse = 1
Integrator Zero Phase ( INTZ Phase)
This phase guarantees the integrator output is at 0V when the
Auto Zero phase is entered, and that only system offset
voltages are compensated. This phase is used at the end of
the reference voltage deintegration and is used for applications
with high resolutions. If this phase is not used, the value of the
Auto-Zero capacitor (CAZ) must be much greater than the
value of the integration capacitor (CINT) to reduce the effects
of charge-sharing. The Integrator Zero phase should be
programmed to operate until the Output of the Comparator
returns "HIGH". A typical Integrator Zero Phase lasts 1msec.
The comparator delay and the controller's response latency
may result in Overshoot causing charge buildup on the
integrator at the end of a conversion. This charge must be
removed or performance will degrade. The Integrator Output
Zero phase should be activated (AB = 00) until COUT goes
high. At this point, the integrator output is near zero. Auto Zero
Phase should be entered (AB = 01) and the ALD500AU/
ALD500A/ALD500 is held in this state until the next conversion
The duration of this phase is selected by design to be a fixed
time and depends on system parameters and component
Advanced Linear Devices