B32921C/D ... B32928C/D
X2 / 305 V AC
Cautions and warnings
Do not exceed the upper category temperature (UCT).
Do not apply any mechanical stress to the capacitor terminals.
Avoid any compressive, tensile or flexural stress.
Do not move the capacitor after it has been soldered to the PC board.
Do not pick up the PC board by the soldered capacitor.
Do not place the capacitor on a PC board whose PTH hole spacing differs from the specified
lead spacing.
Do not exceed the specified time or temperature limits during soldering.
Avoid external energy inputs, such as fire or electricity.
Avoid overload of the capacitors.
The table below summarizes the safety instructions that must always be observed. A detailed de-
scription can be found in the relevant sections of the chapters "General technical information" and
"Mounting guidelines".
Resistance to
Safety information
Reference chapter
"General technical
Make sure that capacitors are stored within the specified 4.5
range of time, temperature and humidity conditions.
"Storage conditions"
Avoid external energy, such as fire or electricity (passive 5.3
flammability), avoid overload of the capacitors (active "Flammability"
flammability) and consider the flammability of materials.
Do not exceed the tested ability to withstand vibration. 5.2
The capacitors are tested to IEC 60068-2-6.
"Resistance to
EPCOS offers film capacitors specially designed for
operation under more severe vibration regimes such as
those found in automotive applications. Consult our
catalog "Film Capacitors for Automotive Electronics".
Embedding of
capacitors in
Safety information
Reference chapter
"Mounting guidelines"
Do not exceed the specified time or temperature limits 1 "Soldering"
during soldering.
Use only suitable solvents for cleaning capacitors.
2 "Cleaning"
When embedding finished circuit assemblies in plastic 3 "Embedding of
resins, chemical and thermal influences must be taken capacitors in finished
into account.
Caution: Consult us first, if you also wish to embed other
uncoated component types!
Please read Cautions and warnings and
Important notes at the end of this document.
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