B41550, B41570
Specifications and characteristics in brief
Rated voltage VR
Surge voltage VS
Rated capacitance CR
Capacitance tolerance
Leakage current Ileak
(20 °C, 5 min)
16 ... 100 V DC
1.15 VR
1500 ... 220000 µF
10/+30% Q
Self-inductance ESL
Useful life1)
105 °C; VR; IAC,R
85 °C; VR; IAC,max
40 °C; VR; 2.4 IAC,R
40 °C; VR; 2.7 IAC,R
Voltage endurance test
105 °C; VR; IAC,R
Vibration resistance test
IEC climatic category
Detail specification
Sectional specification
d = 35.7 mm: approx. 10 nH
d = 51.6 mm: approx. 15 nH
d ≥ 64.3 mm: approx. 20 nH
d ≤ 51.6 mm d ≥ 64.3 mm Requirements:
> 10000 h
> 15000 h
> 20000 h ∆C/C ≤ 45% of initial value
> 25000 h ESR ≤ 3 times initial specified limit
> 200000 h
> 200000 h
≤ initial specified limit
Post test requirements:
5000 h
∆C/C ≤ ±15% of initial value
ESR ≤ 1.3 times initial specified limit
≤ initial specified limit
To IEC 60068-2-6, test Fc:
Frequency range 10 ... 55 Hz, displacement amplitude 0.75 mm,
acceleration max. 10 g, duration 3 × 2 h.
Capacitor mounted by its body which is rigidly clamped to the work
To IEC 60068-1:
55/105/56 (55 °C/+105 °C/56 days damp heat test)
Similar to CECC 30301-804
IEC 60384-4
Ripple current capability
Due to the ripple current capability of the contact elements, the following current upper limits must
not be exceeded:
Capacitor diameter
≤ 51.6 mm
30 A
> 51.6 mm
40 A
1) Refer to chapter "General technical information, 5 Useful life" on how to interpret useful life.
Please read Cautions and warnings and
Important notes at the end of this document.
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